Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tiger –The Bomb + Tigers on Vaseline –The John Scene

Tiger –Hot Amsterdam/ The Bomb –Philips 6012 376 (NL 1973 )

Ladies and Gentlemen...time to unleash this is the third Tigers on Vaseline single and in particular the more Proto than PunkTHE BOMB. Yes more Punk before Punk featuring singer Arthur Kolkert’s Eccles impersonation over a super charged guitar onslaught supplied by producer Boudewijn de Groot ...and it’s only the B side! Would you believe it also features a timbales break?...Hot Amsterdam finds the Tigers in Jacques Brel meets Liza Minelli pre-war Cabaret mode....It seems like anything went in Hot Amsterdam...

Beryl sighs cos her eyes won’t turn out a surprise,
It’s her husband who’s topping the show!
He looks smart, Super-Tart as his mother would snarl,
Suffragette of the ever-go-round,
Airport macs deal in sacks, giggling monotone tupes,
by the same time Bill does the custom-desk,
But a way of life opens when he’s lost in the dozen
Of all Factor Maxed Angels of Hell!

What?????? The lyrics even puts The FrenchiesLola Cola or Dillinger’s Coming to shame...

Oh yes and there’s more as I have reinstated the missing sound file of the incomparable The John Scene (see original review here: ) and added the B side, the lunacy which is What My Hairdo?
Could someone please confirm that their first single What You Will/ Alabama Shake actually exists!!!!

Hear a full version of The Bomb

Hear a full version of Hot Amsterdam

Hear full versions of The John Scene and What My Hairdo

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