Monday, June 28, 2010

Is Halal Food Really Clean and Safe?

By Admin

Halal (حلال,means lawful or legal) is a term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. It is the opposite of haraam. The term is used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law (Sharia, الشريعة الإسلامية). Islam has laws regarding which foods can and cannot be eaten and also on the proper method of slaughtering an animal for consumption, known as dhabihah.

It was reported that a Malaysian University has invented a device that will be able to trace pig DNA in food. As Malaysians, we must applaud such a brilliant invention. Memang Malaysia Boleh! It would be nice though if these people would have invented a device that can test food for bacteria and other contaminants that make us sick. They should come up with an affordable portable device that can say, test the nasi kandar that we are about to indulge in.

There seems to be this obsession for all things Halal but strangely nobody has the equal fervour to check if the food that we consume, Halal or otherwise would send us rushing to the nearest toilet or drain! We have seen a lot of these so-called Muslim Food restaurants and outlets being adorned with pictures of the Holy Kaabah and Quranic verses but yet prepare food that are recycled and unhygienic. How can we "makan tanpa was was". The sad irony is that in wanting to fulfill our religious obligation in eating only Halal food we may more than often end up with food poisoning and this does not include the poor nutritional quality of the food. So, is Halal food really safe and clean as stipulated by the Holy Quran? The Holy Quran states that if there is no other food available then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food. This is stated in Surah 2:173 which reads:

"If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin in him."

Wahai Muslimin dan Muslimat sekalian. Fikir-fikirkan. Renung-renungkan.

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