Friday, June 4, 2010

Kesakitan Penang Medical College

Letter to YAB Lim Guan Eng,
Chief Minister of Penang

Dear Yang Amat Berhormat,

Please help the students of Penang Medical College & their Parents. The degree given by National Universiti of Ireland is no longer existing after june 2011. because the NUI is going to be dissolved owing to financial constraints.This is very bad because PMC students who have graduated in the past no longer belong to any bonafide degree giving universiti and will appear to have a degree from non existing degree illegitimate cheap degree factory
What the future holds for the current students is very poor. Please investigate this and see if the situation can be resolved eg the college taken over by UM, UKM, USM,UPM, or UIA, like the Universiti Kuala Lumpur giving degrees to students of the Perak College Of Medicine.

Students have been mislead by the college. The degree has been made to appear to be internationally recognised but this is false. only recognised in Malaysia and Ireland. All other places students passed out from PMC will have to take further examinations. Many are comming to PMC hoping they will get international degree but get a bluff degree which will not be existing in the near future

It id a very very serious mistake to do the twining programe medical course with the Irish.The fees & expenses for students are unbelieveable . For a 5 year medical course the cost is RM 800,000.oo
Worse still the fees and expenses for the first 2.5 years in Ireland RM 600,000.00 as compared to the second 2.5 years in Penang.where it is RM 200,000.00. THe Irish are taking us for a very very expensive ride.They are getting A lot of profits from Malaysians

The only reason the PMC Twining programe is possible is the Penang General Hospital is available for use as the teaching hospital. Without it there will be no Penang Medical College. THe Irish do not have any space in their hospitals for teaching students. Under the disguise of helping Malaysians the Irish are getting avery very large profit.

The Irish are keeping all the profits in Dublin. In Penang they are getting a lot of profit because they
provise very very poor facilities, poor teaching, poor library, poor computers and poor facilities for learning and recreation. Irish lecturers are paid in Euros and get ringgit for pocket money but they do very little work. Theyare mostly those who retired early because of personal or proffessional problems and neither are they dedicated to teach effectively nor are they able to do so , being ignorant of the local languages and adat resam. Furthermore many are tired and uninterested and appear to only to want to accumulate financial resourses for their old age.

Most honest bonafide teaching is left to local lecturers and Kenenterian kesihatan doctors who are comparatively very very lowly paid as compared to the Irish. The locals appear to do the work for peanuts while the white masters reap the financial benefits and run the college to their advantage, not to the advantage of the institution.The situation is like colonial master and servant walau pun malaysia sudah merdeka.

The Irish management control the college for their own benefit
President spends college time and resources on Irish Games, Irish activities.
enforced shift of library to a building !.5 km from lecture hall and tutorial rooms --this disadvantages students without their own car.
organised building of a Surau next to new library with no council planning permission
resulting in illegal building where there will be no insurance cover for any accidents.

Furthermore Surau was not properly built, Islamic Society was not contacted for advice , resulting in Surau built wrongly. When Islamic Society members found out and wanted to intervene builder wont stop, without Presidents intervention . However as usual Presiden was in Ireland

Dear Yang Amat Berhormat, I apologise writing like this as the medical society is small close knit ,cunning and vindictive, There are very very serious problem at Penang Medical College. I hope you can help , set up investigation, and pass on information to pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan. Interview students.

Please put a stop to the Irish colonial exploitation of Malaysian Facilities and Malaysians.

Sekian , Terima Kasih

Joe Wan

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