Monday, May 31, 2010


Boxee - Best media center I've ever used.
Works on Linux, Mac and Windows. FREE!!!

Boxee Beta from boxee on Vimeo.

I use my laptop as a media center, just installed Boxee (Ubuntu version) and plugged it into the flat screen in my living room.

TERBONGKAR! Syarikat Israel Beroperasi di Malaysia

Oleh Admin

Dua belas rakyat Malaysia disahkan berada di kapal Mavi Marmara - kapal utama flotila enam kapal yang ditugaskan menghantar bantuan kemanusiaan ke Semenanjung Gaza yang diserbu dan diserang oleh tentera rejim Israel. Mereka termasuk dua wartawan dari ASTRO AWANI. Dua wartawan Astro Awani itu dikenalpasti sebagai Ashwad Ismail dan jurugambar dan Samsul Kamal Abdul Latip.

Serangan nekad tentera marin rejim Israel terhadap sebuah kapal awam dalam misi kemanusian di perairan antarabangsa dilakukan tanpa bersifat berperikemanusian. Tetapi apa yang lebih mengaibkan dan memalukan disini adalah hubungan 'luar nikah' Rejim Syaitan Zionis BN/Umno dengan rejim Israel. Apa yang dimaksudkan disini adalah kehadiran syarikat IT Israel di bumi Malaysia. Syarikat yang dimaksudkan disini adalah Ness Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. iaitu anak syarikat NESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC (Israel). Syarikat ini beroperasi di Cyberjaya beralamat A-G-13 SME Technopreneur Centre
Cyberjaya, 2270 Jalan Usahawan 2, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Cuba bayangkan bagaimana Rejim Syaitan Zionis BN/Umno memperdayakan rakyat dengan membenarkan sebuah syarikat Israel beroperasi di bumi Malaysia tetapi melaungkan slogan anti Israel. Adakah ini sifat hipokrit atau tidak? Dimanakah PERKASA, PEMUDA Umno, Gertak, Harussani Zakaria, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Zul Nordin, Ibrahim Ali, Bung Mokhtar, Tajuddin Pasir Salak, Mohamed Aziz dan lain-lain?

Cuba lihat bukti yang terpapar dibawah dan kemudian fikir-fikirkan dan renung-renungkan.

By Subramaniam Nair

Ness Technologies is US stock exchange public listed company with registered address.

Read the above link carefully.
It will describe all the detail of the company where it operate. There is detail of operation in
Thailand , Singapore and Malaysia sale of on 1/2/2010.

Commission File Number 000-50954
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


(State or other jurisdiction of
(I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)
Identification Number)

Ness Tower
Atidim High-Tech Industrial Park
Building 4
Tel Aviv 61580, Israel
Telephone: +972 (3) 766-6800
(Address of registrant’s principal executive offices and registrant’s telephone number, including
area code)

In Malaysia it operate in Cyberjaya.

A-G-13 SME Technopreneur Centre
2270 Jalan Usahawan 2,
63000 Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +603-8318-7838
Fax: +603-8319-6838
Website : which link back to ISRAEL.
================================================================= verified in ip search.
Ness Technologies LTD
P.O.B. 58144

IL, 61580

Domain Name:
Created on ............. 1993-07-26 00:00:00
Expires on ............. 2013-07-25 00:00:00
Record last updated on . 2009-11-22 23:43:00
Status .................LOCK

Administrative Contact:
Ness Technologies LTD
Yaki Argaman
P.O.B. 58144
IL, 61580

Technical Contact:
Bezeq International Ltd.
Hostmaster Bezeqint
40 Hashacham street, Ramat siv
Petach-Tikva, IL
IL, 49170

Billing Contact:
Bezeq International Ltd.
Hostmaster Bezeqint
40 Hashacham street, Ramat siv
Petach-Tikva, IL
IL, 49170

Sachi Gerlitz
Member of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
Sachi Gerlitz has served as our president and chief executive officer since March
2007, and as a member of our board since February 2007. Prior to joining Ness,
Mr. Gerlitz served as acting chairman of Mobixell Networks and chairman of the
board of the Israel Mobile Association. From 2001 through 2006, Mr. Gerlitz was
a partner at Apax Partners, a large, global private equity firm managing assets of
over $25 billion, where he focused on leveraged transactions and technology
investments. He served, from 2005 through 2006, as a director of Bezeq, a
publicly-traded leading Israeli telecommunications company, and he has also
served on the boards of a number of private companies, such as Starhome BV,
Crescendo Networks and Bitband Technologies. Prior to joining Apax Partners,

Mr. Gerlitz served for 10 years at Comverse Technologies, through 2000,
including as president of the Asia Pacific division, vice president of business
development and marketing, chief technology officer, and executive vice
president. Before joining Comverse, he served in various roles at Telrad
Telecommunication Industries, Hadassah University Hospital, and the Israeli
Defense Force. Mr. Gerlitz received a B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from Tel-
Aviv University in 1978, and is a graduate of the Business Administration
Program for Industry Management at Bar-Ilan University.

Agenda Melayu

Oleh Barisan Pendekar Melayu Haprak :

Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera hari ini yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Perundingan Melayu (MPM) dengan "tegas dan jelas" menolak Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB) 'secara prinsip' sehingga cadangan kongres ini diterima pakai oleh kerajaan. ...Katak Ibrahim seekor sudah dapat mengecutkan teloq Najib,

Ibrahim Ali pejuang Melauy Islam , kononnya nak laksanakan agenda Melayu ... Harpa betul. Hanya 300 raus peserta sudah nak lengkupkan NEM .... sebab takut Melayu hilang dibumi , takut Melayu makan pasir, takut Melayu hilang subsidi.

Alahai mana ada "agenda melayu" untuk membantu Melayu dinegara ini. Berbagai-bagai agenda, seminar, kongress, Melayu tetap begini juga selama lebih 50 tahun. Agenda Melayu UMNO bukan agenda tetapi " Cultural Hegemony" dan "Social hegomony" ( Cultural Hegemoni - Antonio Gramsci).Perebutan dominasi yang sedang berlaku diantara kuasa politik Melayu yang diunjangi UMNO dan kuasa ekonomi Cina. Orang melayu punyai kuasa Politik dan kaum cina mempunyai kuasa Ekonomi maka berebutlah dan bersainglah kedua golongan ini untuk elit-elit ekonomi cina dan Melayu.Bagi UmNO ini adalah political survival untuk berkuasa. Bagi Kaum Cina ia adalah survival masa depan mereka di negara ini. Dominasi kedua-dua puak ini sama saja untuk menyelamatkan "kelas atasan" dalam masyarakat mereka. Rakyat biasa Melayu dan Cina cuma diperalatkan untuk matlamat hegemoni oleh UMNO dan Cina.

Model Baru Ekonomi cuma polisi kerajaan UMNO yang baru dibuat apabila timbul krisis penyokongan kaum Cina terhadap UMNO/BN selepas PR2008. Ia tidak bermatlamatkan apa jua kepentingan kaum majoriti Melayu. Polisi ini ialah sengaja di wayangkan untuk menarik minat kaum bukan Melayu yang semakin jauhi UMNO/BN...cuma katak-katak ini tidak faham cara politik Israel yang membuatkan kawasan vaccum, isikan kawasan vacum dan mengambilalih kawasan vacum itu. Vacum sekarang adalah sokongan Melayu dan Bukan melayu sedang berkurangan untuk BN/UMNO. Najib cuba ikoning diri sebagai PM untuk bukan Melayu...Perkosa cuba Ikoning diri untuk orang Melayu. 2 X 5 = 10, 5 X 2 = 10?.

3 ekor ayam haram saman 1.6 juta

Oleh Anak Mami

Merujuk kepada berita yang terpapar di laman web di atas, ketawa saya nak buat komen, Anak Melayu sering berjuang untuk Islam , tapi tak terlupa nak kaya cepat . Duit … bukan do it. Duit, Islam boleh membantu umatnya jadi kaya.

Alangkah tak rasionalnya, beliau menggunakan penguamcara saman 1.6 juta dengan 3 ekor ayam haram. Mua hahahahaha Orang Melayu yang beragama Islam memang dapat claim dengan harga yang paling tinggi di dunia, 3 ekor ayam haram harganya 1.6 juta. !!! mua hahahaha

Kalau lah benar benar dia berjuang untuk Islam, baik lah dia boleh buat kempen atau boikot membeli barangan dari Tesco, ini lah gelagat Melayu haprak yang sering berjuang tak ketahuan, Kalau lah kita fakir balik, penyaman ini memang berhasrat atau berniat untuk mencari kaya, setahu dia ayam haram itu , kenapa dia nak beli??? Dan lepas membelinya dia sanggup membelanjakan wang untuk pembiayaan penguamcaranya??

Mua hahahaha, sekali aku ketawa sehingga pecah perut, Manalah perginya Jabatan Agama Islam?? Perkasa ? Ibrahim Ali ?? semua sudah tidurkah ??? Manakah perginya pejuang Islam, Wira Islam Zul Nordin?? Pada hal Zul ini boleh menawarkan perkhimatan percuma keatas kawan ini, kenapa pula penyaman ini tidak merujuk Wira Islam Zul Nordin??

Kes ini telah membuktikan Melayu ini agar extreme sikit , pandai gunaka nama Islam untuk mencari kaya. Ini lah gelagat Melayu generasi moden haprak. Kalau Nampak duit apa pun boleh dilakukan, mereka mempercayai mahkamah syariah itu dapat melindungi mereka, mereka merasai bahawa Tesco itu kepunyaan orang Yahudi dan Nasrani maka senang lah gunakan kuasa Mahkamah untuk menindas Tesco. Fikirkanlah kalau pelabur asing enggan dating melabur atau sekali menutup chain mereka di merata Malaysia, berapakah orang Melayu akan menganggur ??

Stonehenge –Stonehenge

Stonehenge –Stonehenge/Groundunder –Bumble GE 118 (UK 1972)

The heavily Hammond infused Stonehenge is at the cusp of Library, Prog and Heavy Rock with a certain hum-along quality over a Proto Boogie/Glam chug with the intro’s crashing chords returning strategically throughout the track. Not quite Witch Hunt by Frog, put pretty cool in its obscurity. The B side is another instrumental written and produced by De Wolfe regular Barry Stoller (AKA Rhett Stoller) who wrote the Match of The Day Theme! Groundunder is Nice ‘n Heavy and highlights his dual octave guitar arrangement. Bumble is a fun label to collect with its mix of novelty and outright pop items. Barry Blue (Green) was involved with at least two releases on the label which are worth seeking out: Tank and Cartwright.

Hear a full version of Stonehenge

Hear a full version of Groundunder

Al kisah Bik Mama

Oleh Barisan Pendekar Melayu Haprak

Al kisah Menteri Perdana yang lebih berkuasa dari Najib,
Darurat, Malaysia dalam darurat, semua bahasa melayu mesti diarabikan
muahahaha... Inilah al kisah macik Omar Goh Wei Liang yang memerintah Negara 1Malaysia.

Mat gemuk @ mat penganggur ANU
nampaknya Omar Goh ni bekas mahasiswa ANU -- Pensyarahnya Saiful ANUS
Jubur dijadikan bank simpanan rahsia...telah berupaya jadi billionaire Rupiah di Malaysia .Tahniah ..... Mua hahahaha

- al-Jadadati al-akui masih ad-Dararati,

- ag-Gemuki anti ab-Berati,

- al-Tipuwi jumpi ad-duiti dalami al-Butti,

- al-Bomohi mahuwi al-Controli,

- ac-Curiwi laki al-orangi nak jadi al-Binisi,

- al-Jadadati ag-Gemukiyiiin.

- al-Jadadati al-Botoxsiyiiin.

- al-Controli al-Projekti al-jabatani al-Pertahani,

- al-kitabi al-tipuwi,

- mak al-Jadadati bik al-Mamami.

Star singer and actress Jessica Simpson has wardrobe gaff

Star singer and actress Jessica Simpson  has wardrobe gaffSinger-actress Jessica Simpson stunned diners in a restaurant when she almost flashed her breasts while trying to retrieve a morsel of food that had fallen down her top.

Simpson was eating a meal with friends at a lounge when a morsel of food accidentally flew off her fork and disappeared down her low-cut top, causing her to scream out in surprise, reports

Then Simpson dug around to retrieve the food stuff, "ruffling up" her top in such a way that fellow diners in the restaurant had to look away.

"She not only dug down into her top, ruffling through bra and cleavage, she even tried burrowing out from beneath, wriggling and digging diligently for the lost tidbit," a source said.

When she finally gave up the hunt, the 29-year-old star joked: "Oh well... it'll pop up eventually!"

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt announced the separation


Well, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were separated, and the representative of Heidi from the announcement Friday afternoon, like any celebrity couple "of others, in the hope of minimizing the public relations and fashion. As short as the history of civilization was, Heidi & Spencer a commitment ceremony in Mexico in November 2008. then held a lavish wedding in April 2009, which was also for her reality show filmed, The Hills have. get both a lot of Flack, that his first marriage was not legally binding (and the civil marriage that was wrong too) to follow, but reported an official license and must be for the second time these last few weeks we have a lot of rumors that the marriage of Heidi and Spencer was a year is in trouble.

The stories on the control of behavior increasingly erratic and Spencer, including the U.S. Weekly cover concentrated in two weeks "The Battle of Heidi: Did you brainwashed. "It seems hard to separate fact from fiction with this couple who win more interested as holders of public perception. The voices seem real, even though the break, and I thought that the stories passed through the walls Spencer . These two are not enough decent players to withdraw a complicated system. And now I'm lost - perhaps. Sounds like a half-ass in the air the ad. Heidi Montag "has by her husband, Spencer Pratt, TMZ has learned separately.

TMZ is representative Heidi Heidi tries to leave because of all the bad press controls false Spencer. She is tired of her and search the place and wants to concentrate on his acting career. "We are told Heidi - represented here in Malibu last Friday - is to try a new place to live ... Malibu. As TMZ first report, Heidi and Spencer have called the police to the mother Heidi few weeks ago. .. It was so much confusion. A source close to Heidi and Spencer told TMZ the tension in the relationship for some time ... "It was not just a sudden thing." Now it makes sense ... Heidi until Tuesday, I am not Heidi Pratt, Heidi Montag, I am. "

[From TMZ] I know - like Heidi from the house of junk you are looking for charter with Spencer, or has already done? Not announced separation regardless whether you are just trying to get out. The people are reported as unconfirmed and it seems that Heidi not happy, but not yet ready to leave the relationship. If rejected, the search for an ad or a bit of both, remains to be seen. None of them seemed to be the head support what I think they were right made for each other. Everybody mad uneven . Spencer has a kind of Crystal Healing / kick military, while Heidi believes that all problems can be solved with the operation and make it unrecognizable. If both were very superficial and glory in search of work, but ..


Sandra Bullock meets with her daughter for lunch every day to prevent paparazzi

Radar Online has information to show the fate of Sandra Bullock that she has managed to hide from the paparazzi, although the star on the question of the moment. Sandra was at the luxurious Beverly Hills, but it is advisable to avoid photographers. Celebrity Paparazzi called Houdini. "He was known to have been at the hotel earlier this week his, although his current location is unknown. I think it is reasonable to assume that all the paparazzi photos that we saw after the scandal Sandra have been carefully orchestrated. I have great admiration for the way they handled this whole scandal. Even the ones I saw were probably approved before. I would have liked his condemnation of the conduct of her husband to hear, but don 'are only a part of me that is out for revenge.


It was elegant, yet open to respect and understand why they treated the way they are. It is a smart and tough. Under the radar report: Several sources have said Bullock spent a few days in the hotel to stay mostly out of sight and deliberately avoid the paparazzi are so desperate to be photographed as part of the confessions betray Jesse James "Nightline" on ABC. "It has become the biggest celebrity Houdini", a photographer "You can escape any situation - but it does it without being seen." There were a few photos of the Oscar as the revelation of some James. And their public statements about her husband were good, given what he has done for them.


She filed for divorce in Texas. Beverly Hills Hotel is located in the privacy of its customers exceptional, this is the nightmare of hungry paparazzi snap of Los Angeles. Such protection, with luxury hotels and private bungalows, makes it an excellent choice for a celebrity Bullock. His movements were so secret that all the paparazzi is certain is that since it was early this week, but quickly lost track of. "She was," said a source "But who knows, could make tomorrow in New Orleans." [Radar] Sandra could live there for the quiet time with your spouse, still living with his father, Jesse James. Star Magazine reports that he had lunch, at the hotel with some 'Sun, May 6 23 His story of how Sandra brought gifts for Sunny is sweet and pulls my heart. dressed Writing "The girls in the same dress in black and white rice in his arms and plays with a sketch Etch A increased during the meal. At some point, Sunny, also the tiara placed on her smile stepmother" to give up Imagine Sandra , a life with a girl she helped to enlarge and get one or two visits with her in the coming months. Sandra Jesse betrayed not leave to their children to live with the woman who planned to take had to be there for them as they grew up. It should not be considered as Sunny, the fact that there crying at the same age when he was mistreated. Jesse is, however, and when he was hurt when he hurts everyone around him .. with his selfishness .


Lindsay Lohan is a delusional narcissist fasting

I know, I know. Two stories depending on crack today. What can I do, I just saw these pictures of Lindsay walking in the financing of the campaign yesterday. After Fame Pictures, the new girlfriend of Lindsay Lohan continues its mission, so that only soft drinks, such as leaves Fred Segal in Santa Monica, CA 27th May 2010, Hide with a flamed orange juice over jeans SCRAM ankle bracelet with discretion. "Meanwhile, Lindsay clubs in the last two nights has gone.


TMZ reported yesterday that Lindsay was up to 2 bar clock on Wednesday evening and this morning told People magazine that Lindsay was hopping New - no alcohol, but he looks nothing like a hole - not even an ankle bracelet monitoring can keep Lindsay Lohan on the club. taken with her new blonde hair, the star in Las Palmas in Los Angeles, clad in jeans and a hat. Laughter and smoke all night, avoiding alcohol and Lohan was honored with his group of friends. Lohan even danced around his office, Britney Spears sings during the busy evening.

[In] The people who go to clubs with Lindsay these people are? I mean, what is the budget? It's like the Boys Club to do with anything better? However, Lindsay has to notify his probation officer every night on the phone - the poor devil. Lindsay seems, is now at the Los Angeles club scene in Los Angeles, make sure that you want to use something beautiful, and tied everything wrong with the SCRAM bracelet. Then, at midnight last night, Lindsay foot "Chanel can please help me for stickers to put on my wrist so I can at least SCRAM wear a nice dress?" Hello? "X". A small hole. [From Twitter Lindsay] What is the Stone Cold Sober also (apparently), Lindsay is still a delusional narcissist, who is sitting around the creation of theater, break a whimper and F-cking idiot. At one point we must realize that this is a F-cking is personality. Speaking of his lies, said, remembers Johnny Depp came in and said goodbye? LaineyGossip denies that bullsh-t. And here a picture courtesy of Gawker pleasure - Lindsay is with the awarding of the "hide". There are, like, a million of them. It's funny when he says he does not want to be photographed ..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Pirate Bay: 4 Years After The Raid

Today, exactly four years have passed since The Pirate Bay was raided by the Swedish police. While the entertainment industries hoped that this would be the end of their troubles, in hindsight they’ve created a a multi-headed hydra that is impossible to kill. The events that unfolded could easily be turned into a Hollywood blockbuster.

Kalimah Allah vs Buaya

Oleh Anak Mami

Kalau kita nak soalkan Melayu sejauhmanakah Islam mendatangkan manfaat kepada kaum Melayu? Khasnya Islam memperngaruhi mentality atau corak pemikiran Melayu sendiri.

Secara keseluruhannya, Islam tidak mengajar umatnya menjadi fanatic dan ekstremist, islam juga tiada mengajar umatnya cendorong ke penpenjuru, begitu juga keindahan islam telah dicemari oleh melayu sendiri, baca lah artikel

In lah sikap melayu yang selalu salah mengintepretasikan ajaran islam, mereka ingin memaparkan diri sebagai pejuang Islam, wira islam tanpa memikirkan silap laku yang cerminkan oleh diri mereka.

Pengarang artikel ini, telalu gamak ingin jadi wira islam, ingin menjerjaki syurga akhirat nanti, sehingga menjadikan dirinya begitu over sensitive terhadap perbangunan produk, perkembangan dan kemajuan social masyarakat. Ini lah gelagat Melayu Islam yang benggang, benggong, bahlol. Otak kantoi, apa boleh buat ?? mereka menggunakan Islam sebagai senjata untuk menjatuhkan kaum kafir dan memburukkan kafiraun, ini lah sikap Melayu yang suka suka merendahkan nama kaum kafir. Seolah olah menganggap diri datang dari mahligai . Mereka memaparkan bangsa Melayu adalah bangsa yang paling alim di bumi, Bangsa Melayu lah bangsa yang paling mendekati Allah.

Kasut Crocs buatan Malaysia, juga menimpa bencana apabila melayu Islam cuba menggunakan isu keagamaan menjatuhkan atai memboikot produk, nampaklah cuba sedaya upaya menggaibkan dan mengaitkan isu Kalimah Allah, mengwar warkan isu dikalangan masyarakat. Adakah ini ajaran Islam yang mengajar umatnya berfikiran kolot?? Tanpa merasai tingkah laku sedemikian adalah bercanggah dengan Islam?? – Fitnah tanpa batasan !! sikap keutamaan Melayu !

Nampak lah dengan jelas , Melayu Islam ini sedaya upaya menjadikan Kalimah Allah sepadan dengan bentuk buaya , logo crocs. Apa yang melucukan Melayu ingin menyamakan Kalimah Allah berbentuk buaya. mereka mencari ruang untuk mengkritik tanpa otak rasional, memang pun pengarang ini sebagai ustaz, maksudnya orang yang berkelayakan dalam isu keagamaan, tetapi malangnya menggunakan Islam sebagai senjata untuk menjatuhkan Crocs, sesenangnya melemparkan fitnah tanpa bukti yang kukuh, memerangsangkan melayu hangat hati keatas produk crocs,. Sehingga membawa barangan produk ini mengalami kemorosotan pasaran.

Adakah sebagai sepasang kasut berjenama crocs yang berlogo buaya telah menepati syarat syarat sebagai musuh Islam?? Ini lah Melayu Islam yang berhati busuk dengan sikap dengki keatas kecapaian non muslim. Sayang nya Melayu Islam ini tidak memikirkan caramana untuk bertanding dalam pasaran, bertanding dalam pasaran , Cuma harapkan subsidi untuk menyara hidup. Dengan mudahnya menggunakan pemikiran kolot ini hingga memboikot barangan non muslim..

Sikap Melayu Islam yang banggang , benggang dan bahlol tetap menghadapi zaman perubahan, tanpa sedari mereka terapung apung dalam zaman perubahan dan tidak menyesuaikan diri dalam keadaan ini. Dengan mudahnya menganggapkan segala yang tersentuh dengan Islam sudah layak jadi isu… Pordah !!

Nampaknya ramai ustaz ustaz terlalu lapang dan tiada apa yang patut buat, cuba kita tanyakan ustaz bahlol ini, isu judi bola, isu rasuah,. Isu kemiskinan Melayu, isu remaja buang bayi, isu remaja melayu konngkek merata rata, isu melayu zina, isu kemorosotan akhlak dan morality kenapa tidak disentuh , Cuma nak kaitkan logo crocs dengan Kalimah Allah ?? woit Melayu Islam… tanyalah diri, bila boleh bertanding dengan bangsa lain??

Kopiah vs songkok tinggi

Oleh Barisan Pendekar Melayu Haprak

Isu jusi bola telah memanaskan hati Melayu
Di mana puak puak Islamiah dengan imej kopiah putih, janggut kelihatan seolah olah manusia alim yang betentangan , berlawan dengan iblis syaitan.

Geng ini lah, geng melayu sedar, geng ini lah takut takutkan anak muda mereka akan jadi kaki judi, geng ini lah takut melayu porak peranda, sekurang kurangnya mereka sedar masyarakat Melayu mula hilang identiti kemelayuannya.

Geng ini lah berpusu pusu menyedarkan masyarakat melayu bahawa sahnya akhlak dan moraliti Melau merosot hingga tahap yang mendugakan. Geng ini lah katut remaja Melayu akan pencuri, hutang along, remaja melayu jadi perlacur .......... so mula lah tunjuk perasaan.

Kala kita pandang ke Isu kepala lembu, Geng Melayu yang bersongkok tinggi, songkok hitam, berpakaian barat dengan botnya sekali, Memajak tengah jalan dan menjerit jerit bagai dirogol syaitan, Geng Melayu yang sedekian rupa adalah geng Melayu haprak, geng melayu munafik. Geng perompak hartanah Malaysia. Geng yang berketurunan UMNO.

Jadi untuk membezakan Melayu pure tak pure, cuma buat perbezaan dari berberapa segi:
2) Perbualan mereka dengan menggunaka bahasa campuran Mat saleh, itu Geng Melayu UMNO.
3) Berjanggut, pakai kopiah putih, muka bodoh, dahi hitam, rambut fasyen kampung, digunting pendek pendek, tiada gunakan krim rambut, pakai jubah Itu lah Melayu Pure.
4) Manakalah Melayu yang pakai reyban, rambut berkrim, kasut mengelit, ada misai tiada janggut, itu geng keturunan syaitan. Dalam perbualan senantiasa gunakan bahasa campuran , i , you , you i , i help you, you help me .....

Tonight I'mma let you be the Captain

I'm Backkkkk! Today's my 3rd off day, but off days are nvr enough! Luckily, i'll be flying off to Aussie soon!

Had dinner with Terry, Km & Wilson @ Marche last night, & headed over to St James after. The queue was so motherfucking long & in the first place, we didnt even have to queue+pay.

1) No damn locker available, 2) So super packed, 3) Glenys had reserved the VIP area for her bday celebration.

Plus, I didn't have to see the things I didn't like. Man, you bitch like a girl you know that? Sux2bu & i feel sorry for you. hmmmm.... OKAY, the best part is that we don't have to share the dancefloor with the people we don't like sharing with. This world is selfish.

, thank you Sista, we enjoyed ourselves! Much love & memories for the past 18 1/2 yrs, since the time you bit my finger and caused it to look ugly! <3>

Pictures speak a thousand words;

More photos @


Gna cash out my moolahs in a while!
Meanwhile, I know you always secretly come back to get an update of my life, so continue to click on my nuffnang ads & i'll give you more gossip, news & scandal! lalalalalalla.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lionel Messi argentina wallpaper

Lionel Messi 2Lionel Messi #2

Lionel Messi WallpaperLionel Messi Wallpaper

New Kanye!

Last night I just heard Kanye's latest (and leaked) single "Power". Damn, I am addicted to this song! Kanye West at his best ( as always ).

Blood Chains –Suzie

What with the Divshare sound clip issues and having recently picked up a second copy, here is a good occasion to rediscover this single by the mysterious Blood Chains. The A side is a Roger Holman/Simon May composition. Since my original review (September 2006), I would say that my appreciation of it has increased by quite a few notches...or perhaps my quality threshold has dropped in the last 4 years...? You'll be the judge –see the original post below. More Holman/May coming next...

Blood Chains – Suzie/Tired Guy Of The Road –Telefunken 6.11740 (1975 German issue)

With a name like Blood Chains you could expect visions of dripping ripped flesh being torn apart by Cenobite hooks…but then again I sometimes have “high” expectations! But no, you will have to make do with a trio of dorky teens frolicking on swings. It’s a pretty good record, Suzie is medium-paced stomper with a good T. Rex-style lead doubled by sax. There’s an underlying Rubber Bullets rhythmic synth, but the production is a bit weak and the track never really takes off. The B side is more like a rockier Flintlock track (or a wimpier Jook). Once again the potential is not fully realised and the group certainly don’t live up to the promise that their name may suggest. This is a German issue, but the group and production team seem to be English.

Hear a full version of Suzie

Hear a full version of Tired Guy On The Road

Friday, May 28, 2010



Apa dah jadi pada pemuda UMNO Malaysia hari ini, sepatutnya Pemuda UMNO kehadapan menjadi benteng mempertahanan UMNO. UMNO dituduh, di fitnah, di tomah menjadi dalang dalam usaha penyingkiran Presiden MIC oleh anak presiden MIC sendiri. Mana Khairy Jamaluddin?????? mana pejuang muda melayu?????. apakah kerana perkara ini tidak mendatangkan untung maka kamu diam membisu?????. Ingatlah Saudara Khairy kamu itu telah MELANTIK DIRI KAMU sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia maka jalankan lah tanggungjawab kamu mempertahankan UMNO. Menuduh,menfitnah UMNO adalah menuduh dan menfitnah bangsa Melayu kamu faham tak???.

Kamu itu Pengerusi Pemuda Barisan Nasional apa peranan kamu bila anak Semi Value ini menuduh UMNO sebagai dalang.Tindakkan biadap si pembunuh sujatha ini harus di hukum.

Alangkah malangnya UMNO mempunyai pemuda seperti kamu semua.

Vel Vel Paariah!

By Admin

Everyone knew that when Samy Vellu's son Vel Paari accused Umno of meddling in MIC's internal affairs, it was all a Sandiwara (charade) typical of MIC. After all, Vel Paari knows all too well that Umno has the files of a certain murder case involving a local Tamil film actress.

Typical of MIC to shout and scream but when get shouted back by their master (UMNO) their tail goes between their balls and quiver and shiver with their heads bent like being amputated.

Didn'tVel in his 'outburst' say that MIC made a mistake that MIC should have stood at the side of Hindraf rather than with Umno which resulted in MIC almost being wiped out in GE 2008?
If you are an Indian and a MIC, PPP or Gerakan supporter, member or voter, please think real hard what you look like in the eyes of the Umnoputras. How many cow heads, insults of being beggars, Hindu Pariahs, temple demolitions can you stomach? If you still wanna continue to be a member, supporter, or voter of MIC and BN/Umno, then, you deserved to be called PARIAH!!!

Dukla Praha Jihlava streaming en direct live 2010

Dukla Praha Jihlava streaming en direct live 2010 Dukla Praha vs Jihlava streaming en direct live 2010

Hradec Kralove Zlin streaming en direct live 2010

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Chelsea FC Logo Wallpaper

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Chelsea soccer teamChelsea soccer team

Katrina Kaif can't make love and Ranbir Kapoor can't say fuck

Katrina Kaif can't make love and Ranbir Kapoor can't say fuckThe tension over the censoring of Raajneeti is over. But not without some vital scenes featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Arjun Rampal getting the chopper. Arjun Rampal's love-making scene with Katrina has been reduced drastically.

Says the director Prakash Jha regretfully, “It was a very aesthetically shot love making scene. Arjun and Katrina are two very beautiful people.And they made love to the camera. The Tribunal felt it was a bit too explicit for a 'UA' audience. I didn't argue.”

However Katrina who had dropped her normal inhibitions for the sake of her role and character is none too pleased with her labour of love-making going to waste.

But the director can breathe easy now.Prakash Jha's week- long battle with the censor board ended on Tuesday with the Tribunal viewing the film and granting it a 'UA' certificate. Jha had challenged the censorboard's decision earlier last week to grant Raajneeti an 'A' certificate with cuts.

Apparently the censorboard had earlier objected to two sequences one showing the rigging of elections by fitting ballot boxes with specially designed gadgets and the other showing a female politician offering sex in exchange for an election ticket.

Jha wouldn't listen to any talk of cuts with the censorboard.

Says Jha, “An 'A' certificate brings on a specific mind-set on the audience. They think the film has sleazy content. So I preferred to let the film be referred to the Tribunal.”

Jha sees the reduction of the Katrina-Ranbir love-making scene as a blow.

“The love scene was absolutely essential. Unlike other directors I had not shot extra footage so that the censors could take away whatever portion they liked.

I had shot the love-making scene exactly the way it was meant to be. I've had to reduce it by half.”

Says Jha, “It's a disappointment to all of us. I've also had to beep out the F… word uttered by Ranbir and Arjun Rampal in two different places in the plot.

Ex-justice Usha Mehra who headed the Tribunal requested me to do away with the f…k word. It didn't make a difference.”

Incidentally several recent Hindi films were plastered with expletives in Hindi and English.

Also Arjun's volatile character in Raajneeti shouts lurid and graphic expletives Hindi at a police officer. These remain intact while the 'f' word is gone.

Harry Potter end makes Emma Watson sad

Harry Potter end makes Emma Watson sadFor actress Emma Watson, the end of Harry Potter film franchise is like “someone is dying”. The 20-year-old, who launched her screen career as a child playing the character Hermione Granger, said the eight-part film series had been an “emotional” journey.

At the National Movie Awards, the cast and producers revealed they were in the last two weeks of shooting the final instalment of the saga. Co-star Daniel Radcliffe, 20, also echoed Watson’s sadness, saying he would be “devastated” when filming ends. However, he said that the films marked his transition to adulthood.

The pair was speaking at the function, where they collected the Special Recognition prize for the series and the Family award for ‘Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince’. “None of us could say that we predicted this kind of love and recognition. It's just incredible,” the Telegraph quoted Watson as saying.

“I'm just so unbelievably proud to have been part of this. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Just watching the compilation of all the past films was really emotional for me. I feel like someone's dying, I know that sounds like an exaggeration but I really do. I'm not planning to do anything this summer - I'm going to need time to collect myself and get myself back together a bit. So I'll take a bit of a break,” she added.

Speaking on life after Hogwarts, Radcliffe added: “It's going to be bizarre. I'm going to be devastated. It's going to be very, very sad because it's been such an important part of my life. There will never be one scene in any of the Harry Potters
that, when I watch it, won't trigger a series of memories about what that day was about and what I was doing. So everything is so linked to my life and growing up. But at the same time, it will be exciting. It puts a pretty nice punctuation mark on my adolescence. I feel grown-up now.”

TSV Hartberg vs. FC Admira streaming live en direct 2010

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Memories of old school days...

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NAMO AMITABHA. Have a Blessed Wesak

By Admin

Wesak Day is celebrated around the world by Buddhists which marks three momentous events in Buddha's life - his birthday, enlightenment, and achievement of Nirvana. The celebration begins at dawn when devotees gathering at the temples to meditate on the Eight Precepts. Donations, giving food to the needy, offerings of incense, joss sticks and prayers are carried out. The sutras are chanted in unison by monks in saffron robes. The celebration is highlighted by a candle procession.

MarGeeMar The Scribe and The Blog Team wishes everyone a Blessed Wesak. NAMO AMITABHA.

The top 11 richest and billionaires in Malaysia are:

By Anak Mami

The top 11 richest and billionaires in Malaysia are:
1) Tan Sri Robert Kuok; US$12 billion
2) Tan Sri T. Ananda Krishnan; US$$8.1 billion
3) Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng; US$4.6 billion
4) Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua; US$3.9 billion
5) Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan; US$3.85 billion
6) Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow; US$3.8 billion
7) Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay; US$2.5 billion
8) Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary; US$1.7 billion
9) Tan Sri Vincent Tan; US$1.6 billion
10) Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King; US$1.2 billion
11.)Tong Sari Omar Goh Wei Liang; Rupiah 1.18 billion

The full list of Malaysia’s richest can be found in the June 2010 issue of Forbes Asia, which is available on newsstands now.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kuban Krasnodar 0 - 0 Baltica streaming

Kuban Krasnodar 0 - 0 Baltica streaming Kuban Krasnodar 0 - 0 Baltica streaming

Bolton Logo wallpapers

Bolton Logo Wallpaper

Alexander Marcus

I am addicted to Alexander Marcus and his music. He is a total freak. I really wanna go and see him live, but there are only two more shows this year- in Cologne and Munich, and both are sold out.

Jestem uzależniona od muzyki Alexandra Marcusa. Jest (za przeproszeniem) totalnym pojebem. Chciałabym pójść na jego koncert, ale w tym roku będzie grał jedynie jeszcze w Kolonii i Monachium, a poza tym oba są wyprzedane.

Spring in Geramny