Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why Should Christians Pray For Ong Tee Keat & MCA?

"Who cares if they gave space to the Tabernacle Church, MCA is indirectly responsible for the fires too for allowing UMNO to ride rough shot over the minorities. Who gives a flying F**k!!!!!! about what happens in MCA nowadays. All of us pray that they crash and burn!!"

- Major (Rtd) D. Swami of 7th Rangers (Mechanized)

By David Lim

The following postings by MarGeeMar and really stirred up the Thugs in MCA who are trying desperately to cover up the cracks that are opening up every where in the Barisan Nasional Coalition. The low class Blogger who dare not reveal his identity but goes under the name Justice4OTK has attacked this Blog with profanities. Justice4OTK must obviously be worried that MarGeeMar has brought into the open the simmering animosity inherent between the BN component parties. Below is what Justice4OTK had to say about MarGeeMar and those who participated in the poll " Are Christians in Malaysia really behind MCA and BN/Umno as claimed by Ong Tee Keat?"

"Can you believe what this Oxymoronic Blogger posted in his perverted Blog called MarGeeMar which sounds like MacheeBai . "

Are Christians in Malaysia really behind MCA and BN/Umno as claimed by Ong Tee Keat?

YES 6 (2%)
NO 238 (97%)

The real moron here is Justice4OTK just like his pal Goh Wei Liang who tries poorly to paint MarGeeMar as a racist Indian belittling the Chinese. Very typical of a BN moron who would use the race card whenever the opportunity arises. If as claimed by Justice4OTK that MarGeeMar is an Indian, then what am I? What about Admin, Antimamak, Tan Teik Lye, Jeff Goh etc. In fact I have seen articles appearing in this Blog in Chinese, Malay, Persian, Hebrew and Arabic. MarGeeMar produces articles covering all faiths. If as claimed by Justice4OTK that MarGeeMar is of a certain race, then MarGeeMar, the individual must be a Genius!

What really makes me sick as a Christian is that Justice4OTK and Goh Wei Liang have been spinning lies about how Christians are supportive of Ong Tee Keat and MCA. We all know that MCA and Ong Tee Keat pulled a cheap publicity stunt by offering the MCA Hall for the Metro Tabernacle Church to have their Sunday Worship after the Church was fire bombed. Justice4OTK, Goh Wei Liang and the MCA have used the sermon by the Metro Tabernacle Pastor to achieve MCA's and Ong Tee Keat's twisted agenda.

My question to Justice4OTK and MCA is this, What has MCA done for Christians in this country? If MCA had done something for Christians in this country, Umno would have booted out MCA from BN long ago. While MCA has been claiming to champion the rights of Christians in Malaysia, PAS has been quietly going around visiting Churches in the country and having dialogues with Christians. In fact in these dialogues, PAS has made it clear that Christians can call God 'ALLAH'.

Justice4OTK even has got the cheek to ask us Christians to pray that Ong Tee Keat wins the MCA Presidency. This following pray request comes from Justice4OTK Blog. Just see how he twisted the words of the Metro Tabernacle Pastor:

"Wasn't it the MCA that opened its doors to the Metro Tabernacle church after it was torched? And was it not the president, Ong Tee Keat who graciously opened the doors to the stricken church. By that very act alone, the sermon went on, "all Christians, and right and fair minded individuals have a moral and spiritual obligation to hold this man fast in prayers for the upcoming party elections, which many say is a tough uphill task for the reigning president.""

I would say the best answer to Justice4OTK's prayer request for Ong Tee Keat was made by Major (Rtd) D. Swami of 7th Rangers (Mechanized):

Who are the morons who set fire to the Churches and instigated the incident? Ans: UMNO supporters, cow head is a great example. Who supports and gives power to UMNO? Ans: MCA and the other running dogs in the BN. MCA or OTK are irrelevant to the bigger picture. All the scumbags in MCA and the other component parties in the BN can take a flying leap off the cliff!!! Who cares if they gave space to the Tabernacle Church, MCA is indirectly responsible for the fires too for allowing UMNO to ride rough shot over the minorities. Who gives a flying F**k!!!!!! about what happens in MCA nowadays. All of us pray that they crash and burn!!

I think Justice4OTK should rename his Blog to Justice 4 OTaK kosong.

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