Saturday, July 24, 2010

Guan Eng vs Nik Ali: A Common Characteristic of A Racist

By Tan Teik Lye

This is the preamble of the MORON Justice4OTK:

ONE MALAYSIA Justice for ALL Malaysians
This blog supports all righteous politicians
(BN politicians like Khir Toyo are righteous?) from across the divide . This is a No holds barred blog and all corrupted, tainted politicians shall be exposed and ridiculed , no matter who they are (Does this include MCA and rest of the BN goons?) .

Here is more crap coming out from the Chinaman nose pricker from Penang:

Guan Eng vs Nik Ali: A Common Characteristic of A Racist

Hypocrisy of the highest order ! Its OK to criticise an UMNO CM but its No Go for a DAP CM. You cannot say anything bad at all about Guan Eng . He is above the law , he is sacred , untouchable . You can only say good things about him . All ye who criticise Guan Eng shall be chastisise and be subject to ridicule and name calling including your sons and daughters . So beware !!

They claim they are two standards or laws when dealing with BN and with the PR . Its the same here and its an eye opener when they are not yet in Putrajaya . Imagine what they will do ? Go here to see where Justice4OTK got his trash from

Meanwhile Justice4OTK took an article from Utusan Malaysia (read here and published in his Blog to defame and slander the Penang CM here I think this MORON needs to be sued too. The BN Spin Doctors appear to be on overdrive here but sometimes end up spinning a spin by themselves. LOL!

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