The Jawi signage of Penang Free School that was erected by current controversial PFS Principal Ramli Din.
By Admin
The Blog posting They Cane Form 6 Girls At Penang Free School??? and the subsequent Blog postings Why Is Penang Free School Silent Over Schoolgirl Caning Allegation??? and In Defense Of Penang Free School & Caning of Female Students had created a storm of sorts from the barrage of comments received and also highlighted in FACEBOOK and LOWYAT FORUM.
What concerns The Scribe is that there are elements corruption and criminal acts implicating the Penang Free School (PFS) Administration especially Principal Ramli Din, Discipline Teachers Sarojini Kutti Krishnan and Lim Ah Seng. MarGeeMar is willing to give space to the PFS Administrators to defend themselves against such serious allegations but until now, they have failed to do so. The Scribe encourages those who have made these serious allegations against the PFS School Administrators to report the matter to the Police and MACC.
Below are some of the serious allegations of Corruption and Criminal acts made against Ramili Din, Lim Ah Seng and Sarojini Kutti Krishnan which appeared as comments in MarGeeMar.
Anonymous said...
I can confirm that what is written about Form 6 girls and boys at Penang Free School being caned is true. I have seen Puan Sarojini caning Form 6 students (boys and girls).
February 16, 2011 3:41 AM
Anonymous said...
I am a former PFS student as well and the complaints are very much true.
Some drastic measures have to be taken at once if we are to save this once wonderful school.
February 17, 2011 8:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Pengetua Ramli Din memang tidak layak menjadi Pengetua Sekolah seperti PFS. Little Taliban ini telah menukarkan identiti sekolah PFS memnerusi proses Pengislamannya. Mengapakah Pejabat Agama Islam Timur laut perlu berkongsi premis dengan Sekolah PFS?
Disamping itu mengapakah pelajar yang telah berkorban untuk sekolah PTS dipaksa membayar dari poket mereka sendiri untuk prop yang disewa untuk 'Anna and The King'? Dimanakah keuntungan yang diperoleh dari pementasan ini, Ramli?
Ramli Burger
February 17, 2011 9:56 AM
Anonymous said...
The MACC should also check this Penang Free School Principal Ramli Din. The school appears to always have a lack of funds when it is a fully aided Government School. How come the students have to pay for the props of "The King and I" Play? And where has the RM 20,000 or so profits from the Play gone to? This Ramli person can't even speak proper English but yet gets promoted as Principal to a Premier School. Word has it, this Ramli has connections with Umno.
February 18, 2011 12:38 PM
Reuben said...
I'm an old free now, and I can also confirm what mentioned here is true indeed. Though I have no matters with the mentioned discipline teacher, I too have never looked to her as a role model..
As a music producer, I've produced the music for the previous plays for penang free school. Mind me, they weren't good paymasters who pay as promised and in time. I remember my payment got dragged nearly three months after the 'King & I' play.
I confirm the suspicion of the monetary of the play. And oh, standing for the truth, never afraid to show who I am. =)
February 18, 2011 6:23 PM
old free / ramli hater said...
ramli din is the most shameful and disgraceful "headmaster" PFS had ever had.. he is a reason behind the downfall of PFS.. it has turned into a normal secondary school like others.. he is nt even capable to speak english properly but he is a cluster school hm.. he throws out teachers who had long services in the school as his wish n brings useless so called teachers to further spoil the school under political influence.. he is a racist who do not deserve to be in pfs..
February 18, 2011 8:05 PM
TSE said...
I wasn't from this school but as i know this school was a branded school before and I don't know why suddenly this school change become like Islam school . Last time it used to be an english educated school . It was so damn famous ! But now ? I think the causes is from the pricipal .
Teh Siew Eng ( I don't mind you got my name )
February 19, 2011 1:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, they caned form6 girls for the most unvalid reasons. PFS is the most ridiculous school I have been to and I hope they will have some action against Sarojini. My whole class was canned because it was noisy. She doesn't care if it was the boys or who-so-ever... Everyone gets it. As for those boys who lingered around the school smoking or breaking rules, she doesn't even dare to land a hand on them. Shame on you. Please, don't send your children to that school.
February 19, 2011 12:43 PM
Anonymous said...
there must be certain limits to the punishment of 6th former girls specifically...PFS is an all-boys school except for form six girls. The teachers in PFS must exercize reason in the punishment of 6th former girls in the school. It is not a pleasant sight for girls to be caned in public in full view of the other male students in the class. This treatment of women is equivalent to the so called "Islamic practise" of stoning a women to death.
Where is the dignity of women in this case? Mind you, these 6th formers are 18 and 19 years of age..they are by no means children anymore.
If we are to be fair..the first person that should be "caned" and has to face the music is the principal himself..he has let down the expectation of the students, parents and the state. The teachers make sure the students toe the line..then who make sure the teachers toe the line? Based on the performance of the school in academia and sports in recent years, it is fair to say that the principal and most of the teachers should be given the sack/resign voluntarily if you still have respect for yourself, for failing to maintain the standards of the school. We are talking about maintaining here..not improving.
It is a shame and disgrace that unqualified, inexperienced, ill-discipline teachers and principal is allowed to rule the school. PFS teachers & principal, before you start blaming the students, parents, government, public or the world for your failings...take a look in the mirror. I do not deny that parents play a big role in the development of a student. But academic results and sporting achievement of the school alone suggest that the teachers need to shoulder the responsibility for the failure of PFS. If ALL PFS teachers are committed to their duty and attend classes on time, prepare material before class and take the effort to do their best..i do not see any reason why PFS cannot maintain its standing.
In PFS, I have seen teachers who regularly skip lessons, leaving the class on its own. As a result, students wander around the school as the teacher is not around. These teachers could be found at the canteen, teacher's room, or their favourite hiding places (God, knows where) idling their time away chatting with fellow teachers who are similarly playing truant.
It is common for the monitor of the class to walk the entire school to find the teacher who is supposed to enter for that period. (that is if the monitor cares at all)
But the most important misgivings of almost all PFS teachers is their lack of passion to teach. Don't expect the students to be good if the teachers themselves are rotten. If YOU are an inspiration yourself, i doubt you need to cane the 6th form students to make them pay attention to you. You gain respect not by caning but by showing you care. And if you do not have enough care in you to be interested in the problems and challenges your students face, then you're not fit to be a teacher. I personally find the teaching profession to be very respectable. So if you're not up to mark..go back to teaching school and don't destroy the good name of other good teachers ( I direct this to the principal, Mr. Ramli and almost all the teachers in PFS...the students in PFS have eyes..and we know who the rotten teachers are)
Mr. Ramli, if you cannot speak proper English, i recommend that you do not waste your time trying to climb up the ladder of political success or teaching success. It is unlikely that students or anybody in that case would listen or care what you have to say if your English in rotten. I pray that PFS is as far as you go..and the rest is downhill for you for you have done a huge disservice to the school, the people, the country and the king.
But all that being said...the past 8 or so principals is no better off than the current Mr. Ramli. The rot needs to stop..but I don't think it'll be anytime soon with the corruption and croynism in place at PFS, MOE and the ruling federal government.
February 19, 2011 7:04 PM
OldFrees said...
i STRONGLY URGE the students who have been victimised to lodge a police report against the school discliplinary board. As a fellow old frees we will not condone such an act to further tarnish our school reputation..
February 19, 2011 7:04 PM
Anonymous said...
This Seng person is none other than Penang Free School Discipline Teacher Lim Ah Seng. Both Pengetua Ramli and Sarojini have no guts to reply to this Blog as they know what has been said so far is true about PFS. Those who comment and claim that the allegations made against PFS is not true and are claiming to be students and ex-students of PFS are probably Ramli's cronies. Why then, do they not dare put their full names when commenting?
Jason Goh
February 20, 2011 6:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Caning is fine for serious offenses. They're still school boys..
But flattening my motorcycle tyres? that's bit too much. Y not gather a few guys (those that really dont mind leaving the school) and beat the shit out of those responsible? Dont worry, ya'll still under 18. The worst scenario is if they throw u out of school. Fine then, find another school ..
Come on, dont be pussies guys, this is too much. Teach them a lesson ..
It's not like it matters if u graduated from PFS or other schools. It's yuor SPM results that mattr, not the SCHOOL OK??
Been there, seen it
February 22, 2011 1:32 AM
February 25, 2011 5:59 AM
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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