Wednesday, December 1, 2010


By Elsa

Hello again,

Where to start? What do I have for you?

The Echo of the Echo,
Confessions of a Love-Not Junkie,
and Proud To Be White...?

What might be in them for you? And then I'll come to, why write?


The Echo of the Echo
(music by Michel Robidoux, a well-known Quebec musician)

It's about something so many of us have experienced - not right at the end of a relationship, but later ...

I feel the echo of the echo
of your touch
It isn't much

I feel the faintest of faint
traces on my face
Then that's erased ...

Click here for the rest:


Confessions of a Love-Not Junkie
(there's a video version of this, as well)

So much has been written about people who keep falling in love with rotten people. Women Who Love Too Much - that's probably the most famous book on the subject.

Confessions of a Love-Not Junkie is on something I've heard much less about - not loving when we want to love.

Click here for more:


And then, Proud to be White?

I was listening to the radio and I heard, "It's time for Europeans to take pride in being European." It's not the kind of thing I usually hear - usually I hear about European horrors committed worldwide.

Is it time we took pride? I know it irritates me when I hear stuff like America the Greatest - as if America were better than the rest of the world.

So, is there healthy pride as well as false pride? And what about the famous saying, pride cometh before the fall? Does pride always need to lead to a fall?

Most, if we're from a European background, should we be proud of it? And if so, why?

Click here for some thoughts on the subject:

(Also with video.)


Why am I writing to you? Two reasons come to mind. First, I have the sense that, at least some of the time, my writings have things in them for you.

The second reason? In ShadowLands, a film I love about C.S. Lewis (author of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe), someone is asked why he reads. It takes him a long time to find his answer: he reads to know he is not alone. I'd say, for many writers, we write from the belief that we are not alone, that there are others out there whom our writing may reach.

So the second reason for writing, both the updates and everything else: to reach, to reach you - which somehow is important to me.

It's not just writers who are like that, of course. Many of us, when we speak, are trying to reach. I'm remembering a line from the poet Adrienne Rich - something like, "love is increasing the truths we can tell each other." And then, maybe from her, maybe from someone else, I'm remembering, "being heard into speech."

As always, comments welcome and all the very best,


stirring inner fires
releasing inner riches

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