Monday, December 6, 2010

10 Reasons to cruise through the Holidays!

These 10 reasons to cruise, during the holidays, are from Norwegian Cruise Line. Maybe you too can form your own list after you take a cruise during the holidays. Look what NCL had to say...
  1. Holiday shopping, without the holiday parking!
  2. There's no way you can ruin the turkey!
  3. Santa loves to cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line!
  4. There's no assembly or batteries required!
  5. It's hard to wreck the house when you're partying on a cruise ship.
  6. It's a world away from your kitchen!
  7. Swimsuits are more fun than reindeer sweaters!
  8. Snow angels or sand angels- it's a no brainer!
  9. Your neighbors can't hear you caroling out here [on the high seas]!
  10. Why hang light when you can hang under stars?
Now you get out there, on the high seas, and form your 10 reasons to cruise during the holidays; your ship awaits, bon voyage!

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