"The Islamic Religion was born and arisen like a shining flame. It soon absorbed other religions as the fire burns the branches of a dry tree. To tell the truth this absorption was Rightly justified for Islam. Because other religions -the sections not confirmed and approved by the holy Qur'an- are in provisions of being void and null."
Europe and America is pregnant to the Islamic Religion. One day an Islamic State will be born there. Just as Ottomans became pregnant and gave a birth to a European State (like Turkey).
Editor Unknown
Some Notes Depending On Writings of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
1 - Some sections and parts concerning the topics and subject-matter have been extracted from the works of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (During 1930s in Turkey) drawing the attention of Islamic and Christian nations published after determining the required preferences based on Qur'an and Sunnah against the events and conditions arisen and developed in our century.
2 - However, one aspect should be emphasized and explained especially hereby. As it can be seen from the sections expressed here, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, classifies Christian world such as Europe and America in two divisions as negative and positive. It is expected from some verses of Qur'an and record of Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that those who are from the People of the Book and extremely heedless and thoughtless having forgotten the next world in dissipation and corruption and being astray but without being connected to Atheism philosophy will be joining gradually to the positive Christians.
3 - In various places in his works, Bediuzzaman mentions these two parts of Europe. For instance, in a long topic addressed to negative Europe, he includes this statement:
"It should not be misunderstood:
Europe has two faces:
One of these: I am not referring and addressing to the Europe following scientific works and serving to justice and equity and useful and beneficial artworks for humanity and welfare of the people with inspiration and enlightenment learned from real Christianity and Islamic Religion.
However, I do refer and address to the depraved, corrupt Europe, in darkness of the naturalism philosophy that leads people to astray and corruption because it considers the evil acts and things of Civilization as Goodness."
(Lem'alar, page: 115)
By stating above-mentioned points, he puts forth the matter clearly.
4 - Following the preceding determinations, we can pass to some sections selected as taking examples from the explanations made by Bediuzzaman about Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Islam-Christian Unity, as mentioned in Sayings of Prophet:
"Question: After Jesus Christ kills Dadjal (Anti Christ) at the end of time, the majority of people join the right path of Religion. Whereas, it has been narrated that "As long as there exist people saying "Allah" "Allah" (Almighty God), doomsday would not occur. "(Muslim No: 234; Tirmidhi No: 2217 )
After having faith and believing in God, how the majority of people would go into infidelity and misbelieve'?
Answer: As narrated in authentic tradition "Those with poor faith and belief consider it improbable that Jesus Christ would come again and act in accordance with the canonical Laws of Islam and kill Dadjal. If the fact about this topic is explained, there should be no place for doubt and improbability. (Bukhari 60/49; Muslim 1/71)
Namely: In fact, the meanings expressed by those Sayings of Prophet about Sufyan (Anti Islam) and Mehdi (Rightly guided) are such as: in the end of time (in this century and next), two courses of Atheism will gain power.
First trend is that a terrible person called Sufyan (Anti Islam) will deny apostle ship of the prophet under the curtain hypocrisy in religion and pretending to embrace Islam and become the leader of persons acting with hypocrisy in Religion and will try to ruin and destroy the Canonical Laws of Islam. Against him, a person called Muhammad Mehdi descending from Prophet Muhammad's Family will lead Muslim believers and well-conducted people and kill and destroy this hypocritical trend and movement which is the ideology and committee of Sufyan. Second trend is that a Nimrodianlike movement and trend derived from naturalism and materialism comes gradually to a point of complete denial of divinity by the way of materialistic philosophy at the end of time. That is to, say in the similar way that a wild, savage men who does not recognize the King and officers and soldiers of the Army being the officers and soldiers of the King renders to everybody and each soldier a kind of sovereignty and realm. In that is so, in fact, members of that atheist trend, like little Nimrods, consider a kind of divinity in their souls. Their greatest leader, Anti Christ with skills and ability of spiritism and magnetism goes further and assumes his apparent rule and government a kind of divinity. It is apparent and well-known fact that proclaiming divinity by a destitute, incapable Human Being who is defeated by an ordinary fly and unable to invent and create the wing of a fly is such an act of foolish and ridiculous buffoonery.
At such a time, as that movement seems to be very powerful and strong, the true christianity derived and inspired from the spirit and morality of Jesus Christ will, subsequently arise and will come down from the sky of Divine Mercy. Eventually, Christianity will be purified and get rid of the all superstitions and misbelieves and will unite with the true Islamic Religion, thereby the Christianity will be in a way transformed into Islam, and by adopting guidance to Qur'an, the Christian community will become the follower of Islam and Islam Religion will be in the Leader position. The true Religion of Islam will gain a great power as a result of that unification. The Christianity and Islam being defeated by Atheism movement and trend while they were separated, will be able to defeat and destroy Atheism movement as a result of that unity, at that moment. A true Informer based on the promise from Almighty God has given the information that Jesus Christ is alive in heaven in his human body and will return and take the leadership of this true Religion. Since the message was conveyed, then it will be true and while it is conveyed as based on the promise of the Almighty God, then absolutely, it will be realized." (Mektubat, page: 56)
5 - In summary: "The secret in the Sayings of Prophet in respect with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ at the end of time and act according to the Laws of prophet Muhammad is as follows: After being purified and getting rid of all the superstitions and worldly interests for religion and exclusively devoting in order to stand up against the movement of Atheism derived and originated from naturalism, the spiritual body of Christianity will kill the spiritual leader of Atheism, Anti Christ. This means that he will root out the idea of Atheism." (Mektubat, page: 6)
6 - "There is a definite and obvious narration that "Jesus Christ will kill the great Dadjal (Anti Christ). "(Muslim 52/No: 94 -110 -116; Ibn-i Majeh No: 4075 )
The future is only in God's knowledge. Nevertheless, there are two reasons for this. The first reason is that: There must be only one wonderful, excellent, perfect person respected and accepted by majority of human beings who will be able to kill dreadful, formidable Dadjal who protects himself by magic, spiritism and magnetism and influences and enchants people with such temporary artificial acts. Such a person is Jesus Christ being the Prophet of majority of people and mostly concerned about this issue.
The second reason is that: Only Christian Spirituals will be able to kill and destroy the dreadful, terrible spiritual statue of Atheism and unbeliever ideology constituted by Anti Christ which was destroyed by the personal sword of Jesus Christ. Those Christian spirituals will combine the realms and realities of the Christianity and Islamic Religion and with the resulting power and strength of that unity will ruin and kill the ideology of Atheism. Moreover, the narration further states that "Jesus Christ comes and joins Mehdi during ritual worship" (Ibn-i Majeh No: 4077 ) pointing out this alliance and ruling and predomination of the Holy Qur'an." (?ualar, page: 587)
7 - "The blessed society of Mehdi will restore the destructive and reformist regime of Anti-Islam and thereafter they establish and found Sunnah (the acts and way of living of the Prophet Muhammad). This means that Anti-Islam committee which tries to destroy the right path of the Prophet Muhammad for the purpose and intention of denial of the Prophet's apostle ship, will be killed by the moral, spiritual sword of the Mehdi's rightly guided society.
The zealous and devoted Christian Society rightly deserving the title of "Muslim Christians" who will attempt to unite the true Christianity and Islamic Religion, will destroy and kill Anti-Christ committee that tries to destroy the holy and sacred things totally with the purpose of denial of Almighty God's divinity. This Christian Society will eliminate the Anti-Christ and save the human beings from Atheism (Communism) under the Leadership of Jesus Christ." (Mektubat, page: 441)
8 - "Since the strange, peculiar conditions and violent executions of Anti Christ Regime (committee and government) is narrated to be related to his personality so the real meaning keeps secret:
For instance: "It is narrated that he is so powerful that only Jesus Christ will be able to kill him." This means that a heavenly and blessed true Religion will arise throughout the Christian realm. Later on, this religion will respect and accept all the issues and provisions of the Holy Qur'an. Thereafter, Jesus Christ will come down and kill the trend and movement of Atheism. As for the mortal individuals of Anti Christ Leaders they can be killed by a simple microbe or flue." (Sualar, page: 581)
9- "The Christianity (Christian doctrine) will surrender to Islam:
Christianity will either be vanished or purified, and will surrender to Islam and give up weapons.
Repeatedly torn out, came up eventually to Protestantism, Christianity did not see real improvement and righteousness in Protestantism.
Curtain again torn out and fell into absolute corruption, however some of them approached to Unity of God and will have prosperity, there. Already prepared again and started to get torn up. If not fails, it will find purity and ingenuousness within the meaning of Islam.
This is a great secret symbolized as the prophet Muhammad said "Jesus Christ will act under Islamic Law and become a Leader of my Nation." (Sozler, page: 703)
10 - A warning from Bediuzzaman Said Nursi:
(One of the pupil of Said Nursi sends "Asa-yi Musa" (a book of Said Nursi) to an American and when he heard that he said the following):
"Missionaries and Christian spirituals as well as Nurcus (students of Light) must be very careful. The Northern movement (Communism) will try to upset the unity of Islamic and Christian missionaries in order to defend itself against the attacks of Islamic and Christian Religions. It may attract the common people by showing tolerance and giving alms and calling and inviting bourgeois to the help of poor people, it may deceive some muslims and force them to join to that trend and movement. Anyway, this time, I have violated my rules and principles for your sake and looked into the worldly affairs." (Emirdag Lahikasi-I, page: 159)
11 - Here is what Bediuzzaman said about benefiting of some Christians who suffered and died in the Second World War, from the matter of interregnum:
"That right religion of Jesus Christ together with Islamic Religion will prevail and dominate at the end of time, of course, some miserable Christians who suffered from disasters and wars can be considered as some kind of martyrs." (Kastamonu Lahikasi, page: 111)
12 - Bediuzzaman, indicates the necessity of making peace between two great, distinguished Religions (Islam and Christianity) for the reason of fighting against Atheism movements during the World War concluded this statement. "Because as two countries claim the Sovereignty of the world in this world war, then, two great religions' agreement phase and the fight between Atheists and heavenly Religions began." (Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gaybi, page: 191)
In the subsequent paragraphs and context of the writing, the attention has been drawn to that importance and emphasis should be given to strengthen religious life rather than wasting time by worldly struggles under such complex conditions and in such chaotic times.
Deep Note: Most of the Christian Priests have for long centuries made negative & unproved statements against Islam. Whereas Prophet Muhammad announced in his many Sayings that Jesus will return in the Last Century and will destroy the Atheism and rule over a wide portion of the world. Prophet Muhammad thus attracted the concern of his Followers onto Jesus. Hence, his Followers do look forward to the second coming of Jesus. In the past, some priests have acted conservative against Islam in order to protect their status, and rules... Nowadays True Christians are seriously trying to correct this past mistake...
13 - In his writing addressed to official authorities Bediuzzaman expressed that some positive Christian States and Nations would accept the alliance and unity of Islamic States and their getting stronger and more powerful against the intensiveness of such worldly fights and anarchy and terror. Consequently the necessity of Islamic Alliance will arise, to overcome these global problems:
"Kadir Night" issue in the Guide pamphlet.
At the present time, its result can be seen in both America and Europe. Therefore, our present Government's real power is to rely on the realm and realities of holy Qur'an and render good service accordingly. In this way, it can attract the friendship of all Muslims in the world as a Reserve Power by way of unity of Islam.
In the past the Christian States were not supporting and were not in favor of the Islamic Alliance. But, now both U.S.A. and European countries have to support the unity of Islam and holy Qur'an due to rising powers of anarchism and Communism." (Emirdag Lahikasi-II, page: 54)
14 - When Islamic Unity is formed and the person in charge of representing that unity will make alliance with Christian Spirituals, so is stated by Bediuzzaman and the following: "The third mission of this rightly guided person is to make an alliance with Christians by establishing caliphate of Islamic Religion on the basis of Islamic unification and serve to Islamic Religion. This mission requires great power and self sacrifice of millions for implementation." (Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gaybi, page: 9)
15 - The Muslim-Christian Alliance against assaulting and aggressive Atheism constitutes one of the significant issues of our century. It is stated in one of the Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad in respect with this subject:
"You will conclude an accord for peace with Greek-Romans in future to establish the security and then, you will fight against an enemy threatening both you and them.." (Tajj v.4 no: 960; Ibn-i Majeh No: 4089)
While this Saying announces the Muslim-Christian Alliance against international Atheism movements and anarchism, the expression of "Peace in Security" implies in opposite and announces anarchism which is seriously and critically violating and disturbing the overall peace and order. Because, as it is understood from opposite meaning, extreme need will arise to restore the general security from the violence of anarchism. In other words, it points out that to possess the required power to assure "Peace in Security" will only be possible by Muslim-Christian Alliance.
16 - The following points are explanations of the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad related to our present century with its comprehensive meaning:
"These days, the true believers must unite not only with their Muslim brothers, but even with pious Christian spirituals and unconsider all involving disagreements and disputes, because dreadful Atheism keeps attacking and aggression." (Emirdag Lahikasi, page: 206)
"Moreover, the Saying of the Prophet Muhammad further states that in the end of time, true pious, devout Christians will unite with Muslims and put a great fight together against the common threat Atheism. For the time being, true devout Muslims must unite not only with their correligionists, colleagues and fellow brothers, but also with true Christian believers by skipping any dispute, since they have to unite urgently against the common enemy, aggressive, dreadful Atheism." (Lem'alar, page: 151)
17 - "My heart feels very important anxiety and consolation and comfort in such way:
As a result of these wide-spread fights and struggles there would arise Anti Christ terror and fear to a great extent being more than the damage and harm sustained in the previous World War in Europe which is the source and cradle of civilization. But I am consoled and comforted by the fact that the New World (U.S.A.) will act in conformity with true Christianity teachings and unite with the world of Islam. Thereafter Bible will be cooperating with the holy Qur'an. So I do hope that this Alliance will stand up with heavenly resistance against these two movements attacking aggressively (Atheism-Communism & Freemasonry) and will be victorious. "(Emirdag Lahikasi, page: 58)
18 - Here is a verse from the holy Qur'an stating the principle of making Alliance with the people of the Book:
"Say: O! the People of the Book! Come to a common accord between you and us: so that, let us not worship and attach ourselves to nothing, but only the Almighty God. Let us not consider anything as a partner to Him and let some of us not assume some of us as God. If they turn their faces to the other side, then tell them in their witness "We are the true MusLims (Peace loving people)."
In that verse, it is clearly shown that how different, various consciences, nations, Religions and the Holy Books can be united in an basic "essential conscience" in a right world and that Islam is considering every issue in wide scope, clearly and in right direction and Islam is not exclusively confined to only Arabs and Persians any longer." (Elmali Commentary, page: 1131 )
19 - In a verse from the holy Qur'an, it is stated as follows in respect with fraternity and closeness of positive Christians towards Muslims:
"You will find out people saying that we, Christians are the ones most close to the Muslims than any other people." However, in fact, these people are not in general complete believers and sometimes they also feel hostility and animosity against Muslims. But when compared with Jewish hostility trend, these people has approach and ability to favor Muslims.
This means that, it is not of question they might feel fraternity towards the muslims. The fraternity approach is much more probable and their capability in Belief and sincerity to Islam is higher than others. The reason they feel in such way is that they have Christian priests, who are occupied with theology and worshipping and monks who mortify their lust in monasteries for the sake of the next world. One more point is that they are humble and friendly and good natured people and do not act arrogantly." (Same book page: 1791)
20 - Bediuzzaman says as follows in respect of a book sent by one of his pupils to the Christians:
"The letter of Salahaddin is important from some aspects of viewpoints. Of course American theologizes and scholars would not be in dif ferent and disinterested in Asa-yi Musa. In case it reaches to those who love religion for the sake of Religion, then it will make conquests. Otherwise, if it is owned by those similar in jealous character to our selfish teachers, it is very doubtful that it will be upgraded." (Emirdag Lahikasi, page: 160)
21 - While some verses of the holy Qur'an such as (2:121; 3:113, 114, 115, 199; 13:36; 28:52-55) mention the positive and constructive qualities of Christians and similar verses state the same remarks, many other verses, on the other hand, inform that majority of them went astray. (See, Qur'an 3:110) In the holy Qur'an (verse: 4:159), it is stated that the people of the Book will have faith in Jesus Christ before dying and the verse (4:90) concerns with inviolability right recognized to non aggressive, non-Muslims.
22 - The 4090th Saying the Ibn-i Majeh is as follows:
" "When the fights and wars occur, the Almighty God will dispatch such an army from non-Arabs equipped with most valuable horses (from breeding) and the best weapons and the Almighty God will support and reinforce Islamic Religion with such an army."
As it is understood from that Saying, the people to support Islam is announced as non Arabs. That implies in such a way that the people who will support Islam, would most probably be a nation other than Arabs." (Ibn-i Majeh v.10 p.354)
As it is understood from the remarks and references of this Saying, a Christian country possessing superior war technology with highly sophisticated war machinery will assist Islam. (It is under the knowledge of God).
23 - In an orational Sermon given by Him to a large religious community in Umayya Mosque in Damascus in the year of 1911 which was published in book-format later on, Bediuzzaman mentions about statements and declarations made by some European scholars and philosophers and asserts as follows:
"Here, some examples out of hundreds:
Firstly: Mr. Carlyle the most reputed and famous philosopher of l9th century and American Continent speaks louder to the philosophers and Christian theologizes without any hesitation in his publication and states the following:
"The Islamic Religion was born and arisen like a shining flame. It soon absorbed other religions as the fire burns the branches of a dry tree. To tell the truth this absorption was Rightly justified for Islam. Because other religions -the sections not confirmed and approved by the holy Qur'an- are in provisions of being void and null."
Mr. Carlyle continues his statement by asserting "The most significant and worthy-to listen statement is the words of the Prophet Muhammad. Because the true words are His Sayings."
Also, He further says that:
"If you feel doubt about the Rightness of Islamic Religion, then you necessarily feel doubt about Necessity of Science. Because the most necessary and definite realm and reality is Islam." This famous philosopher stated this fact in several chapters in his valuable book.
The Second Sample: Prince Bismarck, the most famous philosopher of Europe in the last century says that:
"I looked into and studied all holy and heavenly books. Due to some amendments and modifications made in all could not find the true wisdom capable to provide happiness and welfare and prosperity to human beings. However, I found the holy Qur'an of the Prophet Muhammad extremely superior to other books. I found divine wisdom in each word of the holy Qur'an. Such an excellent work could not be the words of a human being.
Those who claim that the Qur'an is the words of Muhammad are in the position of denying the necessity of science. In another words, it is very clear and obvious that the holy Qur'an conveys the words of God."
Thus as based on the products of genius scholars and philosophers as such intelligence field of America and Europe (Mister Carlyle and Bismarck) I can also say with my whole faith that:
Europe and America is pregnant to the Islamic Religion. One day an Islamic State will be born there. Just as Ottomans became pregnant and gave a birth to a European State (like Turkey).
You, my brothers in this Mosque of Umayya and my brothers in the Mosque of Islamic World half a century after now. Do not these expressions and statements illustrate and prove that Islam will dominate and prevail in the future of the World and provide welfare and happiness to mankind spiritually and materially in both worlds (here and hereafter) and Peace will be possible only via Islam and True Christianity which will join and be allied with the Qur'an." (Hutbe-i Samiye, page: 30)
"The Qur'an asks you to complete your faith, not to abandon it"
A Call to People of the Book
"And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee and that which was revealed before thee, and have the assurance of the hereafter."
Qur'an, 2:4
(1) The reference in this verse to the previous scriptures is, from one point of view, the attribution of the object of proof to the proof itself. Therefore the verse implies:
"O men! Believe in the previous scriptures just as you believe in the Qur'an, for they testify, and give evidence to the truth of the Qur'an."
(2) It is at the same time the attribution of the proof to the object of proof, and thus the verse implies:
"O People of the Book! Believe in Muhammad and the Qur'an just as you believe in the previous prophets and scriptures. For they all gave the glad tidings of the coming of Muhammad, and all that gives evidence to the truthfulness of them is truly and by all means found in the Qur'an and Muhammad. Believe, then, that the Qur'an is God's word, and Muhammad is His messenger, in the same way that you believe in the previous scriptures and messengers."
(3) Born out of Qur'an in the era of the Prophet, Islam resembles a tree: its roots are at the time of the Prophet; its veins spread and receive life and vigor from the springs of that time; its branches have extended to the sky of the future and there yield worldly and otherworldly fruits for humanity. With the past and the future in the shades of its wings, it brings about tranquillity for all alike.
(4) When inviting the People of the Book to faith in Islam, the Qur'an shows them in this verse a familiar aspect and a facility, That is, implies:
"O People of The Book! There is no difficulty for you in accepting Islam; do not let it appear hard to you. For the Qur'an does not order you to abandon your religion completely. It asks you, indeed, to complete your faith and build it on the fundamentals of religion that you already possess. Because the Qur'an combines in itself the virtues of all the previous books and the essentials of all the previous religions; it is thus a modifier and a perfector. As for its nature as establisher, this only concerns such details as are subject to change and alteration because of differences of time and place; and this is not illogical at all. With the change of seasons, food and costumes and many more things also need to be changed. Also the methods for educating a person change in accordance with his age. Similarly, the Laws of Wisdom and Benefit necessitate that Detail Principles (Regulations) should change in accordance with the phases of the Life of Human Beings. Because, one of these detail rules being useful & beneficial at one time, can be harmful at another time. A certain kind of medicine may be a fatal poison for a person while it heals another one. For this reason the Qur'an has changed some details of the previous religions, that is, it has determined that their time is over; now it is the turn of new edicts." (from the Signs of Miraculousness) (Isarat-ül I'caz, page: 49)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
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