Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Umno Has Split MCA!


By Tan Teik Lye
It appears the just concluded MCA Elections has left the MCA in tatters. The fault line within MCA as in with the rest of the BN itself appears to be widening by the day. We now have pro-BN Bloggers resorting to name calling and slamming each other. pro-Umno Blogger Wenger J. Khairy had slammed pro-MCA Blogger Goh Wei Liang when the latter tried to compare the MCA fracas with what's going on in Umno Youth.
Now we have two pro-MCA Bloggers, Justice For Ong Tee Keat (Justice4OTK) and Goh Wei Liang (A Piece of My Mind) who initially were die hard supporters of Ong Tee Keat are now having a go at each other. What's interesting here is that on one hand we have Justice4OTK slamming Mahathir and Umno and on the other hand we have Goh Wei Liang calling Justice4OTK immature.

This is what Justice4OTK wrote:

Mahathir and his 1 bra him (pic above ) claimed that the Malays are under threat. Under threat from whom? Can the Malays be under threat:-

•From a minority 35% of the population over the majority 65% which are made up of Malays?

•From a less than 10% minority in the Police, Army, Judiciary, Attorney General Office and MACC which are predominantly filled by Malays?

•From a minority of the Members of Parliament where Malays make up more than 60% the majority?

•From a group who doesn’t control the air, sea and land? These are controlled by UMNO and its cronies such as MAS, AirAsia, MISC, Toll
Concessionaires, NAZA, Proton and Perodua.

•From a group who doesn’t control the supply of basic necessities such as food, water and utilities? These are monopolised by UMNO cronies such as Bernas (rice and flour), Water Concessionaires (SPAN, SYABAS, etc), Telekom (telephone), Tenaga (electricity) , etc

•From a group who doesn’t control the main stream media. The mass media are wholly controlled by UMNO and its cronies such as Utusan Melayu, Berita Harian, New Straits Times, The Star, The Sun, Media Prima (TV1, TV2, TV3, TV, TV8, TV9 and all the Radio Stations), ASTRO, etc? Lately even Harakah and Suara Keadilan have been banned!

•From a group whose mother tongue and religion aren’t enshrined in the Federal Constitution where Malay is the official language and Islam is the official religion? Other groups can’t even hold any interfaith dialogues and use of the word of Allah without being severely intimidated by protests, storming of conferences and warnings from UMNO!

•From a group who can’t be appointed the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Mentri Besars and a host of high positions in the Malay states as enshrined in the state constitution or decree by the Sultans where only Malays from UMNO can be appointed?

•From a group who are ever subjected to intimidation of arrest under the flimsiest excuse using the ISA, the Police, MACC, etc and a myriad of repressive laws such as the Sedition Act, Multimedia Act and treason against the Sultans, etc? Of course UMNO are spared from such actions and above such laws.

It is a blatant lie that the non-Malays can ever threaten the Malays. Who is actually threatening the Malays?

From the look of things, UMNO finger prints are everywhere - UMNO Malays are actually the ones threatening and stealing from the ordinary Malays and non-Malays.

Someone has to be the punching bag and scapegoat for UMNO’s cling to power and thievery – hence putting the blame on non-Malays!

UMNO is a racist party and it is very clear that they are separating the Sultans from their subjects and the Malays from the non-Malays for their own selfish ends without a thought of the consequences and our economy!

The sooner the mamak conked, the better for the country. His role now has turned into a shit stirrer.In fact, he is not even qualified as mamak, he's a 'puki mak.'

What a shame !

Justice4OTK also wrote:

I have been wanting to write about Tun M for quite sometime and the last straw came when he's openly supporting that damned racist I-Bra-him of Perkosa .

As for this statement : So, any linkage of Mirzan to his father is baseless and immature.

To answer above , perhaps one should look into who instructed who to bailed out this company called Tongkah Holdings to the tune of 1.1 Billion ringgit way back in the nineties and who owns it .

This is what Goh Wei Liang wrote:

Thank you for the comments and I am aware of Justice4otk's comments. I have scaled back my methods of blogging and now focused on sharing my views only regardless of what others write. Or else, I will end up being a busybody and rebutting quite a number of bloggers who don't share my views. Time is not on my side either.

I will make this an exception and share my views on what Justice4otk wrote.

Mirzan Mahathir's appointment as a Director came after his acquisition of a stake in San Miguel Corp (19.9 percent) last year.

San Miguel Corp has a diversified business structure, with brewery being one of them. As far as I know, San Miguel Brewery, a subsidiary of San Miguel Corp, have shares owned by San Miguel Corp (51%) and Kirin Holdings from Japan (43%).

No direct stake are held by Mirzan Mahathir and his decision to pursue his corporate career further with SMC is based on
the fact that SMC will diversify away from brewery into utilities and development related projects.

Moreover, the actions of Mirzan Mahathir is not reflective of Tun Dr Mahathir's views, vision or legacy. YABhg Tun always provide freedom of choice and association to his children as accorded by the Malaysian laws.

So, any linkage of Mirzan to his father is baseless and immature.

I hope that answers your questions and neither am I a Pakatan Rakyat blogger in disguise. This matter can be clarified with any political parties' information unit.

Goh Wei Liang also wrote:

Since young, through my knowledge and understanding of Malaysian policies and politics, I admire and support Tun Dr Mahathir's leadership and visions for Malaysia. I am also a strong supporter of Barisan Nasional - UMNO, MCA and MIC.

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