Tuesday, July 31, 2007

i know every day is the first day of the rest of my life, but today is even more so

resignation templates
(resignation letter templates available in Office 2007)

As of midnight, I am no longer a tenured member of the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison or a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy at Harvard University.

Regarding Madison, I originally included the sentence "I hope to God I know what I'm doing" in my letter of resignation, but then deleted it. And you don't believe me when I say I've grown up a lot these last two years. Today I sent an e-mail to my chair that I realize now was my last bit of official faculty correspondence. The e-mail included my telling her that she ought to start a blog (check out here and here for examples of why I think this).

Regarding the RWJ fellowship, it didn't turn out like I thought it was, although that in itself was a useful lesson about certain tendencies of mine to be unrealistic. I am certainly glad to have done it. I am also glad to be going back to an academic department, and I am glad to be returning to the Midwest.

My original e-mail telling Northwestern's chair I was accepting their offer concluded, dorkily perhaps, with the paragraph:
I'm sitting here now in my office at Harvard remembering how I once took a class in which an assignment was to write a short story that started with the sentence "This is going to be fun." Few e-mails I will send in my life mark a beginning as clearly as this one, and so I'll close it with: This is going to be fun.
I hope to God I am right about this. I am optimistic that I am.

Update: I finished a draft of the preferences paper that has been crowded out other activities for too long now, so it's turned out to be quite a good start to the rest of my life.

Barry Green –Papa Do

Barry Green –Papa Do/Boomerang –Decca F.13282 (1974 UK)

Barry Green is in fact Barry Blue and both sides of the single were co-written by Rubin (AKA Linsey De Paul). Papa Do is a fun commercial ditty, but with a nice fuzz part and engaging heavy pounding . Lynsey also released the song, but the ultimate killer version can be found on Cardinal Point's LP (Philips) where the performance is a dead ringer for Galahad’s Rocket Summer (Bell)

Click on title for an edit of Papa Do

Scarlett Johansson Not Playing Jenna Jameson; Jesus Weeps

Millions of men (and quite a few women) cry out in sorrow as People reports that Scarlett Johansson has no plans to portray Jenna Jameson in a biopic based on the porn star's life.

Rumours had been going around for months that Johansson was set to star in the film, and Jameson fuelled the fire by telling audiences at last weekend's San Diego Comic Con that the Lost in Translation star was her first choice for the part.

"I love her. She's amazing. She's smart; she's funny; she's stunning," said Jameson. "I remember thinking to myself, this girl has such a sexuality without even really trying to be sexy. I was like, 'This girl could play me.'"

But the male population's premature reach for the box of tissues has been quashed as Johansson's rep denies her involvement in the project.

"Scarlett has never seen a script nor been approached about this project," her rep tells People. "She also has no interest in playing this role."

There's still no word on who else is up for the part, or who Jameson's second choice is. The film, based on Jameson's autobiography, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star, will reportedly be a very explicit look at Jameson's experiences in adult films, and casting the lead role is critical.

"I don't want someone who's going to go in there and be, like, bouncing around," said Jameson at Comic Con. "I want someone who can bring some depth."

Er... I think she means emotional depth.

this post is a miracle!

I just received an e-mail from someone who is using as a signature file a quote from Einstein: "There are two ways to live your life -- one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle." Sure, it sounds great on first reading, but can you imagine how tiresome it would be to live your life as if everything is a miracle? I punch the little buttons with letters on them on my keyboard, and those same letters show up on my monitor. What a miracle! I hit "Publish Post" and what I've entered in this box goes into some magical space where anyone anywhere can read it. What a miracle! At the same time I am doing this, other people are actually getting work done. What a miracle!

Monday, July 30, 2007

who's got the funk?

Answer: Dan Myers. Unfortunately, it's a blog funk. He was able to overcome the splayer-haters who didn't appreciate his stylish way of crushing a can, but now he's been laid low by some combination of a bothersome commenter and the cyclical character of blogthusiasm. Keep the faith, Dan!

Meanwhile, I cannot tell if Kieran is serious about having his own secret blog or not. I won't even speculate about what the content of it might be. He should leave clues for its location like Masquerade, which I accidentally purchased today using my Harvard purchasing card and now have to fill out a form and write a check to reimburse them for it.

My own solution to blog malaise, which has been an open secret for some time now but perhaps you are one of the people not in the know, has been to keep a pseudonymous second blog under the name "Gwen." Part of my gimmick with "Gwen" is that every time I write a post having to do with the Animals and Society ASA section on this blog, I have her adopt another pet on her blog.

no competition to 'why is six afraid of seven?', but:

"What's a pirate's favorite letter?"
"I don't know, what?"
"You could guess 'aRRRgh!' Guess aRRRgh."
(several months pass. leaves change, fall, grow back green again. the protagonists age.)
"I've been meaning to ask. Is a pirate's favorite letter 'aRRRgh?'"
"No. It's P, because P is aRRRgh with a leg missing."
"Did you make that up?"
"No. I'm not a genius."


100 (百)
image by J in flickr

Sometimes I think about Ma J. I'm not particularly close to her, but at those times, I guess I miss her. I can remember her speaking to us, seated at the rosewood dining room table in her flat, before getting distracted by a string of long distance calls to some relative in her hometown in China or a relative working (always illegally) somewhere in the UK or Japan. I think how nice it would be that she could still be there when we visit. Or harder still to forget the image of Ma J when she was ill. That stare, or the droop of her head - always anger or despair. The whole year she suffered the indignity of her illness.

Today is the 100th day anniversary of Ma J's death.

I was at work but J managed to drop by Pa J's flat to be with him. J pointed out to me the irony that of all his siblings, only his sis and himself - the only Christians in the family - were with his father as he performed the taoist rituals of offering up food, incence and loads of "hellmoney" for Ma J.

J: Wah, such giant notes! [J referring to the large 60cm by 30cm sheets of "hellmoney" in denominations of 1 million!]
Pa J: ...
J: You burn so much money for Ma, you better also burn a bigger paper wallet for her.

Pa J smiled, used to the nonsense from his youngest child. But that afternoon, alone in his flat, I think there were tears.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

how to write a winning a doggerel poetry contest entry in fifteen minutes a day

I won the doggerel poetry contest for Mary and Brady's blogathon! I demolished the competition using a tried-and-true strategy:

1. Enter early. Like Presidential candidates who try to have high early fundraising totals partly to scare competitors out of entering--a tactic which actually worked in past election cycles--getting your intimidatingly awesome doggerel poem into the contest comments field early will give others pause before trying to compose their own entry.

2. Decide on a search term that fits the theme of the contest. For example, if the contest is part of a blogathon associated with libraries, choose the term "library."

3. Search your chat archives for chats that contain the term, e.g., "library."

4. Go through chat, retaining whatever lines seem like they would work in a doggerel poem and deleting those that do not. Some rearrangement is also permissible. Maybe tweak a word or two. Maybe not.

5. Send off your entry.

6. Await accolades.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

pen scanners?

Does anybody have any experience with pen scanners? As in, do they work well? The NYT did a story on a few models recently, which stirred some excitement in me for buying one to facilitate extracting quotes 'n' notes from books, but then the reviews of a couple particular models on Amazon were unsettling.

the far eastern front in the war to shrink the pet-child gap

asa china

The sociologist who wrote the article on "Animal Selves" that I highlighted here a couple weeks ago has written a letter to ASA protesting their plan to offer a tour to China (I couldn't find the link, so I've pasted as jpg above). Me, I'll admit I don't understand how ASA's tour business works and so don't know what I think of the enterprise generally. I guess if ASA is going to be in the tour business, I wouldn't agree with them letting the political views of some members prevent other members who want to go on the tour.* (I presume the substantive importance of China to those interested in global society is without question, as is China's dismal human rights record.)

Anyway, the protest is made on both human and animal rights grounds. Comparisons are made to Nazi Germany and to ASA's decision to hold its meetings in Montreal. China is said to be "bankrolling genocide." Even so, "Although [China's] treatment of people is shameful, its treatment of animals is far, far worse." That said, by my tally, description of human rights abuses does edge out animal rights abuses, by a word count of 141-139.

BTW, according to a post on this site, eating dogs was banned in South Korea in 1988 just before the Olympics, but is presently legal in China (but not Taiwan or Hong Kong). I wonder if China will ban eating dogs before the 2008 Olympics open.

* I might feel differently if, say, ASA were talking about holding its annual meetings in China, although there would be nonhumanitarian grounds for complaining about that decision as well.

Reps Claim No Weed For Paris Hilton

When you’re trying to clean up your act, it seems that everyone has something against you. Just ask Paris Hilton. She’s only been out of jail a short time, and people are already starting rumors about her.

There are reports that Paris was smoking pot with Cisco Adler, Kimberly Stewart’s ex-fiance, at Guys’ Nightclub this past Wednesday. Rumor has it that she made out with him as well.

And her people are pretty ticked that the allegations were made. Her rep told press, “Paris absolutely did not smoke pot Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, as I understand was reported. That report is false.”

Which side is telling the truth? Well, the fact that Paris has been photographed smoking pot in the past lends support to the rumors. You never know though. Paris surely has made some enemies throughout her days, who’d love nothing more than to help ruin the heiress’ newly-presented good-girl image.

The Eggy- You’re Still Mine

The Eggy- You’re Still Mine/Hookey-Spark SRL 1024 (1969 UK)

The Eggy were formed by ex-Sorrows guitarist Roger Lomas and possibly included Pip Whitcher (also ex Sorrows). You’re Still Mine is an amazing Proto Glam/ Late Freakbeat number with incredible over the top Wah Wah guitar effects and a superb twin lead break. It bridges the 60s and 70s perfectly and is a top tune as well. The B Side Hookey is also great, reminding me of The Smoke at their best.
Roger Lomas would later re-appear with Renegade (A Little Rock ’N’ Roll/My Revolution on Dawn) and The Dodgers before taking on a producer’s role in the late 70s/80s.

Click below for edits of You’re Still Mine and Hookey

Friday, July 27, 2007

this week's jfw award for greatest lapse in investigative journalism

From the NYT:
Asked to define what Red Lobster means by fresh, Ms. Setta responded, “It’s as fresh as anything you’d find in a top-tier seafood restaurant.” The chain delivers fish to its restaurants six days a week.
Don't you think the obvious follow-up question for the NYT reporter should have been to ask what day the fish isn't fresh?

I haven't eaten at a Red Lobster in years. I still occasionally crave cheddar bay biscuits, though. Once upon a time I said that, should I ever find myself mysteriously pregnant with a daughter, I would name her Cheddar Bay Freese.

Unrelated addendum #1: People are already lining up outside Mary and Brady's blog to be the first person to comment when their blogathon opens at 9 EDT.

Unrelated addendum #2: I wish part of feeling stretched too thin was that one actually got to feel thinner.

note regarding information diffusion dynamics within the freese family

Sister C called me up just now to congratulate me on the job at Northwestern. She had just heard about it from someone in my hometown who reads my blog.* Obviously, she and I don't talk on the phone very often. My mother, however, was among the first people I told when I accepted the job, and Sister C and my mother often talk on the phone multiple times a day. It's kind of unsettling to imagine months going by without my arising as a topic of conversation. Sometimes I feel like a ghost who floats about on the periphery of my family, making intermittent corporeal appearances around holidays and then slipping back to the ether of academe. Understand, I'm not faulting anyone else in my family for this; I have nobody to blame for it but myself.

* To that someone: You know who you are. Thanks for providing the update!


J.K. Rowling has said she might later write an encyclopedia, as apparently there are all kinds of interesting details and asides about the Harry Potter universe that have never made it into any books (HT: TS). Great, but if she thinks I'm going to stand in line and stay up all night just so I can read The Dean Thomas Backstory, she's got another thing coming. Nonetheless, the Wikipedia entry on Dean Thomas makes this revealing point:
In the UK edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Dean Thomas is not mentioned during the Sorting ceremony. He is, however, correctly sorted in the American edition as a Gryffindor, just after Harry and before Lisa Turpin. According to Rowling, her UK editor felt the chapter was too long and had to trim it down with any extraneous detail he could find.
I would love to see a special "Editor's Cut" of the last four books released. Didn't people do special cuts of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace that improved the pacing and cut out most of the Jar Jar Binks character? I bet Brady will have a nice taut rendition of Deathly Hallows when he translates the German edition into English.


COWSY!!!! ee elaine

she may be shy at times,
but she's very willing to share HER MILK.
and of course,
get it from me.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

great. i just get over my fear of meteors and now i have to worry about about a drunk astronaut plowing into me with a space shuttle.

From CNN.com:
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) -- Astronauts were allowed to fly after flight surgeons and other astronauts warned they were so drunk they posed a flight-safety risk on at least two occasions, an aviation weekly reported Thursday.

An independent panel reportedly found that flight surgeons allowed intoxicated astronauts to fly on space shuttle.

It cited a special panel studying astronaut health, which found "heavy use of alcohol" before launch that was within the standard 12-hour "bottle-to-throttle" rule, according to Aviation Week & Space Technology.

there is perhaps no greater pleasure in this world than the feeling of being understood

Case in point being an e-mail I received just now:
I have been wondering about your sanity ever since you started going off on Paul McCartney and his Starbucks campaign. Up until about 3 days ago, I had only seen one particular PM poster at Starbucks, which seemed pretty harmless. But the other day, I actually saw the poster which, I believe, is the one that set you off [see it for yourself here]. Now I totally understand. It's like Paul McCartney doing "Magnum/Le Tigre/Blue Steel" from Zoolander. It practically made me want to walk into Starbucks and start shooting. You were right all along. Sorry.
Yes! Keep in mind that I've walked by this poster at least once a day, sometimes several times a day, for seven weeks now.

My correspondent also points out that, by standard demographic definitions, Barack Obama is a baby boomer. Fine. He didn't go to college during the Vietnam War, and he wasn't in high school when the Beatles were together. These are what I take to be the key cultural markers of baby-boomerness, but it's absolutely correct that the demographic phenomenon went on a few years beyond that.

blogathon 2007

Starting 6AM EDT on Friday Saturday (see update below), Mary and Brady are going to be blogging every half hour for 24 straight hours for the American Library Association's Hurricane Katrina Fund. They are promising special features, games, contests with real (nonvirtual!) prizes, Southern-cooking recipes and a shocking plot twist* sometime during the day. Tune in!

* Various M&B fansites have been speculating about what the shocking plot twist is going to be. I've been trying to avoid reading them, as I don't want the surprise to be ruined by spoilers. For the official JFW prediction, go to this site, paste in this text, use the key "nymphadora tonks", and hit decode:

Yyft hfwsinhca Pjvbmn, quvh zn mwzo xbp ui ao es r Vxfl Chraups Aihvr-Lquygy Zxdnprgk, Mtfl gayj dtcedz khth frw achty afhlaezl vwnpztk hrk ko ksnn, thr uczthou htg zkfneqs ao iobe bh nvd gfqhl yhois. Xwgrwe rtpa, ou Piawm vc s umdryua.

Update: It's Saturday, not Friday, which of course makes more sense. The reason for the mistake is that I cannot freaking believe it is Thursday already.
wow man, my brother has a girlfriend.
and my parents seem so happy.

**I looked for all 5 of them.
and OMG!
i found the J!
&& The both As!!!
but couldnt find k.
and all connected too.(:***

Today is Thursday.
not the lessons,
but the feeling.
Its damn weird.
or maybe because its just coincidental.

So my brother has a girlfriend now.
yes, a five year old having a girlfriend.
and this was what my dad said:
"what's your girlfriend's name.?
if you want to get married must ask me for permission first."
and so on so forth.
r i d i c u l o u s .

ever since the parent-teacher meeting,
where my brother's teacher told my dad abt my brother,
having a girlfriend.
like wow man,
how unexpected.
preschool teachers and parents,
approving some 5 yr old's relationship.

so when i came home just now,
my mum showed me the "love letters",
which my brother's girlfriend,
or rather, ANDREA wrote to him.
still have picture of the two of them.
and on top of one of the letter was,
and there was this part,
where he was supposed to circle ,
Yes or No.
typical kids.
its supposed to be,
"will u marry me".
no need for the "get" and "together with".
shall upload his letters here one day.

that girl, Andrea,
had gotten some help in writing that letter.
Like omg,
how could she spell or even write it out?
even my brother spells his name as CABLE LEONG.
when its supposed to be CALEB.
as a result,
Andrea spelt it as "CAB-LOP".

when some things get spread around,
and with added information,
misunderstandings occur.
even things as small as,
go out after O levels to ____.
can become something else.
the power of words huh.
its just whether you believe or not.
how much some words can be trusted.
and of course,
think of whether it can even happen first or not.
i mean,
what else is there to say.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

fifteen months until the general election, and i still feel like i'm late in choosing a candidate

You've been waiting on pins and needles long enough. The coveted official JFW endorsement for President goes to Barack Obama. The two thoughts this evening that finally pushed me decisively out of the "uncommitted" category:
1. Idle googling regarding Ricky Ray Rector, the retarded murderer that Bill Clinton made a special trip to Arkansas to see executed in order to help win a few extra votes in New Hampshire in 1992. (At least according to Wikipedia, Rector's mental ability was such that he saved the dessert from his last meal so he would have it to eat later, after his execution.) I tried to imagine how the different presidential candidates would contemplate the Ricky Ray Rector situation if they had been governor, and Obama was the only electable one I could imagine actually tossing and turning over it. Honestly, I would not be at all surprised if Hillary Clinton was keeping a retarded killer in a hotel somewhere that she will bring out in January and execute with her bare hands just so everybody knows she's tough.

2. Walking by that [expletive deleted] Paul McCartney poster yet again at Starbucks, and realizing how much I would love to have somebody who was not a baby boomer elected President. This, in conjunction with the realization that, with Hillary Clinton as the nominee, there would be the possibility of me spending my entire adult life up to age 45 with only members of two different families being my President.
Mostly, though, what I want is a Democrat who will win. It's only because I've become convinced that there is no reason that Obama would be a weaker candidate than anybody else that I'm allowing the fact that I can vote for him with genuine enthusiasm prevail.

Pussycat Doll: I'm No Whore, Dammit!

Nicole Scherzinger, really the only recognizable Pussycat Doll, is trying get away from the stripper stereotype -- seriously.

Nicole, who released her first solo single featuring TI, was in the glamorous port city of San Pedro, Calif. yesterday -- filming the video for the song.

According to sources on set, Nicole was dressed in a skimpy, bronze-colored designer bathing suit and then asked to do some crazy yoga poses.

Our source said that Scherzinger was not too happy about the outfit and told execs that she "looked like a whore." Understandable, since she's used to those ladylike Pussycat Doll outfits. Shooting continued for a short period until execs agreed that she did, in fact, look like a hooker! Shock!

The set was immediately cleared until a new, more tasteful outfit was found for the sexual poses. You can dress a wolf in sheep's clothing ... or something like that.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

just how far apple has come in cornering the concept of cool electronica

cambridge wii party screenshot
(Cambridge Wii party. Not my arm. I did win the resulting match.)

The Wii party here in Cambridge was a rousing success despite having only six attendees. So much so, in fact, that the party was broken up by an annoyed knock from my downstairs neighbor at an hour I will not disclose here because as it would undermine my public presentation as a basically considerate human being. Eek.

The women did not dominate boxing as was the predicted and actual experience at the Madison Wii party. Also, strangely, while 19 out of the 20 fights in the Madison Wii tournament ended by knockout, only 1 out of the first 6 fights at the Cambridge party did.

Anyway, one attendee at the party who was very impressed by the Wii insisted on looking at the box before believing me when I said the Wii was not manufactured by Apple. And, after acknowledging this, the person did take the view that the Nintendo was basically copying "style" from Apple. As far as I can tell, the reasoning for why the Wii was copying from Apple was that it was (1) white and (2) cool. You know a company has really accomplished something when they lay an intellectual property claim in some people's minds to "products that are cool" and "the color white."

BTW, I bought the Wii trauma surgery game, although that'll have to wait to be a post of its own sometime.

BTW-BTW, I have a headache, as would be predicted from my effort to go tepid turkey on Coke Zero (tepid, not cold, because I'm just cutting back to one a day). I will persevere. I think.

The Sunshine Kid –My Linda

The Sunshine Kid –My Linda/Get Your Rocks Off Baby –RCA 2413 (1973 UK)

Post Apple single by Chris Hodge. My Linda has some real meaty power chords, a bit of funky Wah Wah and a strange Asiatic interlude, there’s a lot crammed in for sure. As for the subject of Chris’ desires…Perhaps this is why Chris was pushed or jumped ship from Apple???? The Beatle Oooohs are a nice touch in any case. Get Your Rocks Off Baby is a more straightforward boogie work out; again very strong in the guitar department.

Click on title for edits of My Linda and Get Your Rocks Off Baby

signs of the apocalypse

1. As of this moment, sixteen out of the last seventeen posts on TMZ.com are regarding Lindsay Lohan (the other is about Britney Spears).

2. I have removed the wireless card from my Tablet PC. As is one of my favorite sayings, desperate people do desperate things.

3. I have resolved that I am only going to have one Coke Zero a day, before noon, between now and ASA. Today: Day 1. We will see how this goes. Root for me.


i've been drinking the GP 3 days in a row.
and i think im gonna die,
with my livers exploding.

today was okay.
since there was only 4 subs.
i just keep irritating the shit outta her.
And her reactions are like damn funny.
i put her worksheet into my mouth,
till the top of the paper melted with my saliva(:
BUT! i just know she loves my saliva..
so she'll look more attrative.

and yes,
i bet she's gonna kill me after reading this.
and probably bring masking tape to tape up my mouth too.
*shows you the innocent face,
with sparkling pearl-look-a-like eyes which goes bling X2*


OH, &&&&&&&
im currently broke,
i dont know why either.?

N--Z--- viewed my profile!
at least ____ Knows i exist(:
that was last year.
and guess what,
she said:
like so much for being my honey.
cos she was doing some idiot test.
WHAT's worst?
and in the end,
she got some SUPERSMART RANK.
so i shld be getting the SUPERSMART RANK(:

im gonna sleep now.
damn tired(:


Why so random?


i no time one u noe.
lols.and you leh.?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Latest shopping trip...

Just got back from a few days gallivanting around Witchfinder General territory. I Managed to hit one record fair plus a few record shops in Norwich and a car boot sale in Banham (not far off the B 1113)! I came back with around 50 singles -No real amazing finds, but cool stuff including some choice Bugglegum: Nevada Sound with a cool version of Gimme (Gimme) Good Lovin' on Pye, Bubbles -Hazy Hazy Crazy Crazy (in Europe they edited out the Crazy Crazy from the title), several Demos on UK including Sloply Bellywell, Robin, Handful of Cheek, Ricky Wilde...

A whole slew of Jam promos (Sylvester -Gimme Time, Bitter Suite -Six O' Clock News, Walter Mitty -Caroline etc...).

Biggest disapointment: A 1973 single on RCA under the name Hammerhead...weak poppy reggae.

Best deal -The Passengers -Something About You for 25 pence!

As for the Sakkarin single above? It is in fact a demo copy of Sugar Sugar!

Back soon...

i have got to stop drinking so much coke zero

Really, truly. It's unhealthy and out of control. Any advice on kicking soda addiction is welcome.

"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Banana who?"
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
"Orange you glad this isn't yet another post about Harry Potter?"

Sunday, July 22, 2007

buying harry potter seven

The plan was for a friend and I to get our wristbands around 7:30. Still, I was down by the Coop anyway--plus they promised gift bags to the first 500 people!--and so went around 5 to see what the line was like. The line started at the back entrance, and so I went out the back door. The line went down the entire alley, around the corner, down the street, around that corner, and around to the Coop's front entrance, a distance that Google Satellite suggests is maybe 800 feet.

Most of the queue were females between twelve and thirty. There were very few men over thirty standing by themselves in line, and those in line seemed far more embracing of their dorkitude than, for better or worse, I am. Even so, I stood at the end for a few moments, but then realized that standing in line was not only going to take a long time but that I was going standing behind this girl who was maybe a sophomore in high school and dressed in this costume that was a trollopy take on Nymphadora Tonks. Thus adding "feeling creepy" to the "feeling bored" and "feeling dorky" negative emotionality that standing in line would entail, I abandoned my place and went and got a chocolate-malt-with-extra-malt instead.

When I returned with my friend around 7:45, the line was about as long as it had been at 5. It also moved very slowly, in part because many people were holding places in line for friends, and by the end we did not get our wristbands until 8:45pm. The line had shortened by that point, but the people at the end still had a half hour if the line moved at the same pace. There were 3 people at the front who were looking up names on the list of reservations and handing out nametags, my own transaction was less than 20 seconds, and this went on for more than 4 straight hours.

The math suggested an extremely long wait at midnight. Rather than get in line at 10 and have to wait for 2 hours and then who knows how long, my friend and I decided to go to a bar and come back at 1. When we get there, the line was maybe 2/3 as long as the line we had gotten into for our wristbands. As soon as we got to the end, though, these South Americans came up with copies of the book that they said they had bought for $5 more at the Out Of Town Newstand across the street, which had no line and was even giving out free HP7 tote bags. We had nothing to lose and so went over there and, within five minutes, we were out of there with our books.

So all the reservations and waiting for line for wristbands and whatever was for naught, although I am always pleased when I recognize the sunk cost fallacy--in this case, not wasting more time in line just because I had already spent time to get my wristband--and do not succumb to it. Granted, it would have been far better to realize I didn't need the wristband, as the Harry Potter party that was being thrown in Harvard Yard looked great, with I'm sure the largest and most enthusiastic audience that Harry and the Potters will ever have for a show.


"Okay, talk to you later, Muggle Girl."
"Did you just call me Muggle Girl?"
"I did."
"Take it back. If the Harry Potter universe existed, I would be a pureblood."
"I would not be a pureblood."
"I would be a pureblood but a blood traitor. I would be scandalous for the promiscuous way I would snuggle with muggles."
"If you were a pureblood, [Relative A] would be a squib."
"[Relative A] would definitely be a squib. [Relative B] might be a squib, too."
"You would be a half-blood then, not a pureblood."
"I know I wouldn't muggle-born, though, because my Mom would definitely be magic."

Pam vs. Heather: The Pam vs. Heather: The Claws Are OutClaws Are Out

First Tommy and now David Spade! Furious Heather Locklear is fed up with nemesis Pam Anderson hooking up with her exes.

The simmering romantic rivalry between blonde bombshells Heather Locklear and Pamela Anderson has reached the boiling point again. Fanning the flames is Pam’s budding romance with comic David Spade, whom Heather was dating last year.

Pam has always been Heather’s nemesis,” a friend of Heather tells Star. “On a professional level, she has no respect for her. And on a personal level? Forget it!”

Even though Heather, 45, has been seeing her former Melrose Place costar, Jack Wagner, for the past few months, she “flipped out” when she saw photos of David rubbing Pam’s bare midriff during a recent hookup in Las Vegas, says sources. And she really lost it when she saw another shot of them kissing at the JET nightclub in the Mirage Hotel. “Heather went ballistic,” says the friend. “When she split with her first husband, Tommy Lee, Heather told him he was free to go after anyone but Pam. Tommy not only married Pam, he had two children with her!”

Heather filed for divorce from her second husband, Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora, in February 2006, and a month later, she was linked to Spade, 42. When they broke up, Heather was “miserable,” says the friend. And she was jealous of the other women he dated, including Carmen Electra.

But as with Tommy, she had specifically asked Spade to steer clear of Pam- even though she seemingly had little reason to worry.

When Heather and Spade vacationed in Hawaii last year, her friend notes, the funnyman- who turns 43 on July 22- even took potshots at 40-year-old Pam!

“Heather was laughing at his jokes about Pam’s intelligence,” says the pal.

“David’s barbs were very sharp. That’s why Heather was so astounded to see him hooking up with her. Now Heather is furious. She says she can’t believe what a lying hypocrite David is. And if she runs into him, she says she’ll tell him straight to his face!”


J getting some help when he is working from home. click for view in flickr

"Housewife" is a funny kind of word, as if you were married to the house. Perhaps it's meant to be ironic. But I find "homemaker", its more contemporary alternative, even more odd. What makes a home? surely not just a homemaker.

"Housewife" is still allowed for older women - like "my mother's a housewife" - but it's less often used to refer to, say, a Mrs Lim, 32 years old - "She left her job as an accountant with one of the 'Big 4s' to be a homemaker." For the latter, it's as if "housewife" was too crude, suggesting a woman's limited sphere of influence. Plus, I guess "homemaker" is gender neutral. And besides, a homemaker may have nothing, no work, to do with the house (unlike the domestic help, the maid).

But friends, I think there is something about "housewife" that is lost with the "homemaker" replacement.

It's a something else you might understand if you spend an hour or so cleaning the floor with a pail and a piece of cloth, knowing afterwards that almost every square inch of that tiled surface has been examined and bear the mark of your handywork. A relationship is forged, this caring. As with the mosaic-tiled toilet. Or the shelves. Ah - I can't quite describe the relationship, but there is, for me at least, a sense that I can live in this house for the rest of my life! Yes, like some kind of married!
i'm damn tired.
i've been skipping my afternoon naps.
and sleeping earlier at night.
which is GOOD(:
and ive been wanting to change the blogskin.
but, im just too lazy.
damn sian.
you know what,
in these 3 mths,
i've found out many stuff.
for eg,
those who betray you for the sake of others.
as elaine says, KARMA.
or rather, do what you want others do towards you.
Everything happens for a reason doesnt it.
and that day,
i was telling Shuen and all.
that i think i suffered from _______________
during that time.
which is highly possible.
but i guess im alright alr.

and maybe,
my blue vessels are really
caused by the lack of oxygenated blood.
that's why i always breathe so hardly,
and laugh with the asthma kind of sound.
the doctor previously did say tt
i dont have enough blood.
SO, haha.
maybe ive finally found the reason for the
super-blue-and-obvious blood vessels.

i shld go see a psychologists,
and cure me of my phobia of pigeons.
cos personally,
i dont really know why im so scared of them.
its must surely be linked to smth.

i found out that i cant take scoldings from others.
and that i'll often end up crying.
maybe cos im not use to it.
cat la.

i've found out so many stuff.
and tonight i'll finally be able to drink that gold passion.
which had been kept in the fridge since
returning frm bangkok.
no link to the previous topic.
but nvm(:

valley valley valley,
all along i've been going
through a valley.
but indeed,
through the valley,
i've learnt alot.(:

wow man,
i've applied my knowledge.

__ know the answer to every question __ have in mind.
but __ just can't face the truth,
and accept the fact,
can __.?
neither can __ _________.
its always like that.
one day,
__ will grow out of it.
and live life the same as before.
realizing that it is not a need.
but all along,
a want.
with or without it,
__ know it doesnt matter.
but __ just keep thinking likewise.
in hope of making it seem more pleasing.
the truth is right in front of __.
but __ choose not to face it.
when __ look back,
__ will find __self like a fool.

Giving up an entire forest for a hollow tree,
was my foolishness.
i should have let go long time ago.
holding on was just a waste of time.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I successfully procured my copy of HP7 at 1:01AM (story to follow later) and finished it at 10:07 AM. Encoded overall assessment, which does not include any kind of plot spoiler but does include a reader contest, below. To read, go to this site, paste the text in the input box, enter "jeremy freese" in the key box, and hit decode.

r jvpf jnbi m sgcyrpxw jensqim vvepgsx qeqfn sei tssuviv ewh wmrrd fyx gj clv wqtje lyfhaiu ezb kzjxq tjkvw. em, ne xijqb sw qk nfxi-xg-tjkv izhtpqifx, clzw iyx dc pwebx wehmwzxi tsxo fj ffj jivaib. lfaqtji, m hah clzrw rmv irvmwk nee ozzxi kecmjjmayfvc, ks r afyxb wrro ax jlvep mk fvhwv xj glacszb sf xqsji sptlrhk eusei. bylv-xs-hepi vrvmddirl gxych mjxf fi s qrwcimbnek ggqyeimems wsv ei bmegq rmzw mk xqi wmdqy sssc m qemi dcfu ew s rxr-rypgtsssc, euxysgem klel'w qeih rmw di xg fnpzihc lzzif xqiii iyx givzeyw r xtpjv lyfhaiu tmej jxvwxll klmr n wsyfh eiic fcizsyk ewh dimlivvmfk. jpjs, ffj sssc gxrkeulx nlel m aixedb fj xlw wrrxpq bzdfikx vsdizr ne xlw iwxzvq qjimik, ewcfrq umf vishb xyme ysu gef mmiexudd kli hepi eyyzji kilw jr fjrghzep bjf ovabgj uspd.

Update, Sunday 3pm: Gwen gets the contest question exactly right and wins the kewpie doll. The answer is "gwpa ggqnj ppnva bel, ycnj izo najozgt bdkcpj 'uxq pkold' wvz kwtag qpc xathrpael nvbpnijxa, fdc yvb lnmrzkdoza nqksqjx dnngggo pk ja kdn aewvu kb bdian swvxqao qj r zdaz." (Oops, apparently I might have done this backwards, so hit "encode" if "decode" doesn't work.)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Kim Kardashian Nude Redux? Sex Tape Vixen Poses For Playboy

Kim Kardashian has posed for a provocative Playboy photo shoot - but no one will say whether or not she bared all for the men's magazine.

Kardashian had been reported in the tabloid press largely for her friendship with Paris Hilton. But, she became the subject of intense attention because of a graphic sex tape that depicts Kardashian and her at-the-time-boyfriend Ray J performing various sexual acts.

Prior to the release of this film, Kardashian announced her intention to pursue legal action to block distribution of the sex tape. This would become the first public acknowledgement of the existence of the video, which she had previously denied.

Despite the looming lawsuit, adult retailers started offering the tape for pre-order in February. Vivid Video made the sex tape available online in March. On April 30, Kim settled with Vivid Entertainment, who paid $1 million to an unidentified source for the video. Vivid handed over nearly $5 million to Kardashian and stop distributing the tape at the end of May.

The socialite reportedly agreed to the spread and recently posed for the secret pictures.

what photoshop giveth, the internet tmzeth away

TMZ.com, the website dedicated to gleefully chronicling and promoting the decline of our civiilization*, has posted the above side-by-side comparison of Faith Hill as she appears on the cover of Redbook and Faith Hill as she appeared at the Redbook cover photo shoot.

* No offense to Carly.

ok, one last push!

World Premier (世界第一)
photo by J taken of the filmmaker at the official premiere at the NUS Cultural Centre on 19July

As if we cannot plug this film enough, us amps are giving one more shout to anyone who stumbles upon this blog to go buy a ticket to catch Invisible City at the Arts House. For tickets and more information, click here.

i hate when i wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep

This is going to put a crimp in my plans to read HP7 straight through after buying it at midnight.

I'm just now reading Krugman's NYT column, which reminds the reader:
Around [June 2002] Ron Suskind, the investigative journalist, had a conversation with a senior Bush adviser who mocked the “reality-based community,” asserting that “when we act, we create our own reality.”
I wonder how many people there are who tut-tut this statement and yet have bought copies of The Secret.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

not the sort of project i would take on, but it does have a certain recursive charm to it...

Brady is translating the German translation of a English novel back into English. I could see where this would be an interesting way to have a gold standard to compare one's translation skills to, but then again I guess that depends on how much one trusts the original translator.

The Traitor's Gate, btw, is one of 13 novels that Edgar Wallace published in 1927, two less than the 15 he published in 1926. I remember reading somewhere that at the height of his career he had periods of dictating a book a week.

The Wikipedia entry for Wallace is a good yarn in its own right. And, according to it, it's a book a weekend instead of week.

Gisela Dreßler -48 Crash

Gisela Dreßler -48 Crash/ Can The Can –Amiga 455984 (1974 DDR)

Released in East Germany in ’74, Gisela delivers two admirable Suzy Quatro cover versions. Perhaps 48 Crash has the edge, but both performances are top draw and there is no lack of power within the grooves . Gisela (the perfect mix of Romy Schneider and Bobbie McGee?) shows no restraint in her delivery and the result is very convincing. I am unaware if there is a Lives Of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) subplot behind her story, but it’s great stuff to be enjoyed for what it is...

Click on title for edits of 48 Crash and Can The Can


1. "Role-taking" in symbolic interactionism refers to the capacity to adopt the perspective of the others, as in to understand the way a situation seems from the perspective the person to whom one is talking. I've come to wonder whether a penchant for using too small fonts in PowerPoint presentations be used to make a broader inference about people's role-taking skills.

2. Overheard from today: "She's the kind of person who, when you are with a group of people eating Indian food and one of the dishes is saag paneer, will cherry-pick out all the paneer as she's serving herself."

3. Also overheard:
"You might as well have just typed 'I'm losing it' and hit 'Post.'"
"What's wrong with not wanting anybody to spoil Harry Potter for me?"
"It's like you've announced to the world, 'World, I've sashayed over that boundary that separates the eccentric from the insane.'"

4. As for an actually-sociologically-interesting contemporary animals and society issue, this article on CBS SportsLine speculates that the Michael Vick trial will be lower profile but divide public opinion much as the O.J. Simpson trial did. Although Al Sharpton has already come out hard against Vick. I can't imagine there is ultimately going to be the same kind of evidentiary ambiguity in the Vick case as there was in the Simpson case. I wonder if/to-what-extent Blacks and Whites differ in perceptions of the severity of the crime, given various associations of dogfighting with hip-hop imagery and the more basic difference where Whites are more than twice as likely as Blacks to have pets.

Stanley Frank -Run For The Sun

Stanley Frank (S'cool Days) has recently updated his site with some new songs including an absolute corker called Run For The Sun. It's an unreleased early 80s song produced by Mick Ronson and is as good as The Raspberries' Cruisin' Music -Purepop ecstasy!

Click on title to go to Stanley's site

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

preliminary result

While the sample size is still small and thus conventional standards of statistical significance have not been reached, early indications are that, if one defines "effectiveness" as the indication that one has successfully made one's point, then saying "If you hear any Harry Potter spoilers and tell me, I'm going to be very annoyed" is less effective than "If you hear any Harry Potter spoilers and tell me, I will cut you."

BTW, I'm getting the book at midnight at Harvard Square. I'm thinking about doing an encoded simulblog as I read it.

Comments off for your protection!

Im gonna blog abt, Monday Tuesday and today,
so the post will be kind of long.

Starting with today first.
R4 this morning.
Ran so many rounds.
if its gonna be like tt every week.
then i wont have to run on Sundays(:
had health check after tt.
the right lumbar 3 degrees positive.
my back is forever crooked/slanted.
BUT! my eyesight is still PERFECT!!!
yipeeeee HOOOOO.

the Adam Khoo Motivational thing again.
hahaha. self esteem.
build it up and show you right.
so after school,
went home to change and went hougang to replace EZ link.
Gave them my ic photo.
and they say i cant use tt,
cos its sleeveless.
so i was like,
anw my school PE shirt also sleeveless ma.
SO, I asked her to use back the OLD UGLY pic again.
she said, if i use that again,
the bus driver might confiscate it as it doesnt look like me.
at least it no longer looks like me(:
so i went to eat lunch with Dorothea.
Then took another 4 passport photos.
went back to change EZ link.
and still, its not School Uniform,
But, at least it had collar.
and my hair's tied up and messy,
so yah.
another ugly EZ link.

Wenta watch HARRY POTTER with
elaine, sheevonne, shuen.
im damn scared of Voldermolt
or how do you spell tt.
i'll like Elaine's bag to cover my face.
or hold her arm.
but okay la.
last time's Voldermolt was scarier.
Im a cat.
WE even lifted up the thing in the middle of the chair.
im like closer to them nowadays.
talking and so on.
come on people.

wore chinese thingy.
took photos.
and some of them are in friendster.
And had chinese listening.
Okay la.
After tt,
we went to finish the DPA form.

do i want to do this.?
or should i just leave it.
and let it continue on,
which i don't know when it'll ever stop.
maybe never.
but, if it does.
its only leading the wrong path.

its been a week,
and im doing unexpectely well(:
maybe its how i see things.
and what i make myself think(:


I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

spoiler shields up!

I will be a much less well informed citizen for the next several days.

i wonder if there is some bitter person who updates this sentence every month

From the Wikipedia entry for TIAA-CREF:
As late as July 2007, customers continue to see little to no response to complaints logged as early as October 2006.
I am officially able to start setting up benefits and other matters as a Northwestern faculty member (although my employer of record is still RWJ). First thing I want to make sure I do is get my retirement set up so that I'm doing something smart without having to think more about it. The University of Wisconsin's default retirement setup, which I went with because I didn't fully understand it and was stupid about appreciating how important it is to really understand it, is basically a good deal if you stay at UW for your whole career and not great if you ever take a job anywhere else.

Maybe there should be a junior faculty counterpart to Fabio's rules for graduate students. If so, one would be:
1. Take the afternoon, or day, or two days, or whatever, to make sure your retirement is set up in a way that provides a good solution for both flexibility before you retire and security for when you retire. The time will definitely not make a difference on the margin for your tenure, and it might make a difference of many tens of thousands of dollars at the end of your career.
(Actually, the very first official thing I did was set up my e-mail. Username remains "jfreese," bucking the strange NU default of "j-freese." Don't actually send any e-mail to it, as I haven't figured out how to receive it. And don't actually send any non-work-related e-mails to it anyway, as this time I'm serious about strictly using my university e-mail account only for that.)

Life update postscriptum: Yes, I understand that friends of mine hate getting life updates from my blog rather than by personal call or e-mail. But: my moving plans have hit a couple not-for-blogging snags, and smy original plan to leave Cambridge on July 31 has been abandoned. Now, I'm leaving Cambridge and heading to Evanston sometime between the end of ASA (8/15) and the end of August.

the most unlikely claim i have read this year

From story on CNN.com:
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (AP) -- The longtime chairman of the Roger Williams University board admitted Monday to using the N-word during a board meeting, saying it "kind of slipped out."


[Eighty-year old] Papitto, who has given the school at least $7 million and whose name is on the only law school in Rhode Island, said he had never used the term before.

"The first time I heard it was on television or rap music or something," he told WPRO.
I'm imagining a longer version of the explanation: "I'd been listening to rap music on the radio for quite some time--something about those dope beats reminds me of my carefree days as a boy--and I couldn't help but notice this particular word they kept using. I had never heard it before, so I went to the dictionary to look it up. Said it was a 'Derogatory term for African-Americans.' Well, shoot, everybody knows that if you want to make a new word you learn stick, you need to use it yourself three times. So then I let it slip out in a board meeting, and all hell breaks loose."

Monday, July 16, 2007

the official jfw deathly hallows prediction

I've decided I am going to break with my six-books-strong tradition of listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks and instead buy the print copy of Deathly Hallows and read it. My preference would be to listen to the audiobook, but I am unconvinced that I will be able to avoid having some source spill an unwanted spoiler on me during the several days it would take me to listen all the way to the end. So I'm going to buy the book at midnight and read it before I look at any news source.

I'm trying to avoid reading any speculation about the book because I'm sure pre-release spoilers are already or soon available and I don't want to read any "speculation" that is directly or indirectly influenced by spoilers. I am nevertheless here posting my own prediction regarding the content of the book, largely so that I can gloat when proven correct. However, so no one who prefers suspense has the truth revealed to them inadvertently, I present my prediction in code. If you want to read it, go to this site, paste the paragraph below in the "Input:" window, type "jeremy freese" in the "Key:" window, and hit "Decode".

Clv tdmuyigq ec xyi qli fj Sjhnv fj Bfjfrmp ajw esf rmrx "rwmclvv xgavw azmui klq myyiv kyazzzqq" (fj xlsx fej gakucixwph prqq csumry xx xyef ztfo efcfep) fgr yyex firxyid *bnvw* azmui klq myyiv kyazzzqq. Xf, tvgfjfcc psj ks Lsvac siull r lsjgayo, lq ffj xs vmn jfv Hmquiqgvc xf huc. Jogihx, clisgem jsqw hnzzgq, ntjwmtph e uigq jo qeulrrr ezb ufwwafuc vbbjfzriv fh lrzull siif wnx zrfm rfxmgr kc Uyyzqvhsji oei mz yimerui jru eorzrxiv fh Weebc, Mrvvq arpc putj rrh Nsuhvqapy nmpd hri. Rpem, fj er arnbgpuafspi vmpvvwegte vixpngkmze Wfaparp'w uiegwv xs vmcgy fqgsx wiwr jw rr msyysv xsa gymxbwvr, lspoarc ffwfykz xqiii igqc fi s wqstoull jizwrcc-wmhc urki larrtier xtirw arxy Jdci rrh Yixvxi.

BTW, word on the street here in Cambridge is that Harvard square will be transformed into "Hogwarts Square" on Friday night, including a battle of the bands between a band that calls itself "Harry and the Potters" and completely separate band that has independently named itself "Draco and the Malfoys."

(No unencoded predictions of your own in the comments allowed!)

different worlds

click for larger view in flickr

The first time J and I stumbled across Haji Lane was many years ago one lazy afternoon. We had wandered to look at the old Istana Kampong Glam and do our bit for domestic tourism. Then, the tourism board's misguided efforts to "revitalise" Arab St and its rows of carpet and textile shops had glaringly failed (thank goodness). When we stepped onto the narrow Haji Lane, with its mostly abandoned hobbit-scale shophouses, there was a ghostly calm. Nothing creepy - but in a cliched sort of way, of time having stopped. And for Singapore, that's saying a lot.

Two years ago, we found ourselves at Haji Lane again. This time, we were lured there by the Commes des Garcons guerilla store, which had just moved there from its first location in Chinatown. It was still mostly deserted, though a record shop (or was it a recording studio) was next door and a little boutique (with a guy who customised chandeliers on the upper floor) was across the street. That was about it. No ghosts, maybe some open secrets thrust upon indifferent listeners - a test.

Just this weekend, having heard that for months now that Haji Lane is all abuzz with new boutiques and stuff, J and I made our third trip to Haji Lane. And so it is. The entire lane is now mostly inhabited by these vintage clothing stores and a few fancy places stocked with pricier imported labels ). It was a just a little like Daikanyama in Tokyo - the sort of place you would want to, but would hesitate eventually from saying it had character (but I confess I happily succumbed to a top from billet doux). It still felt, as it did years ago, like another place, another island - but not another time. Haji Lane today is set squarely in the present, its offerings are of the moment.

The next day, I found a beautiful book of photographs by Guido Mocafico called Medusa - it had these incredibly detailed images of jellyfish. These ancient creatures, their stomachs and often their reproductive organs exposed in their translucent bells, are everywhere in our oceans. As with most beautiful creatures, many jellyfish species are highly venomous. in these photos, they are the loveliest of alien forms, suspended in black, a world onto themselves. I spent the most of Sunday afternoon in that book.

possible big breakthroughs in solar power that i don't think would be worth it in the long run

(story today in the NYT)

1. Creating second sun.

2. Moving Earth closer to sun.

3. Finding way to use the heads of bald men as roving solar panels.

Andy Bown –Supersonic

Andy Bown –Supersonic/Feeling Better –GM GMS 9039 (1975 UK)

Yes, the same Andy Bown (and NOT Brown), who was the HE in The Herd, performing a storming version of the theme to Saturday morning’s TV Pop programme Supersonic. Produced by Tom Allom (Tiger etc…) it’s a cracker to be filed next to Dazzle’s Jim’ll Fix It (DJM).

For those born too late or residing elsewhere, Supersonic was the ultimate in UK Pop TV featuring many Glam greats and was just around long enough to embrace Punk (the appearance by The Damned was particularly memorable). Presented by school boy crush-maker Sally James and directed by the Cecil B. DeMille of morning TV Mike Mansfield, the show ran from September ’75 to April ’77. More information and a full list of appearances here:

Cue the music!

Click on title for a full version (3:17) of Supersonic

Sunday, July 15, 2007



yesterday was sat(:
angeline came over in the morning to try the
racial harmony clothes.
after tt went to meet ELAINE EE
@ kovan.
supposed to meet her there at 11.
but i was 10 mins late.
sorry honey.(:

so we went orchard.
first, to borders.
bought the pencil box.
difficulty choosing.
cos those which i likes, others alr had.
so nvm, bought the one which no one has.

then went paragon,
dorothy perkins.
tried on the clothes.
to big.
so didnt buy.
then went taka to grab some mini bites.
AND OFF to tampines to meet pat and sarah.
so elaine went home too.

went for the summary wkshop till 5 plus plus plus.
then went city hall with pat.
walked arnd marina square.
topshop, zara, and dorothy perkins.
zara had this white skirt, but was too big.
dorothy perkins didnt have the dress,
which me and elaine tried in the afternoon.

so off to Orchard agn.
ate Japanese food.
waited damn long for the food.
the chef was like cooking,
and pat was playing,
guess-the-number-of-tissues game.
so after eating,
went zara again.
queued for the dressing room.
but again, the skirt was too big.
so didnt buy it in the end.

walked to paragon.
forothy perkins again.
this time, there was only 1 of that dress left!
so i tried it.
and it was bigget than afternoon's.
and in the afternooon,
so forget it.
since i went all the way there.
i had to buy it.
last piece= FATED.
so i bought it , and now i have to alter it.


anw, its my first encounter of
even thiugh i saw one flying across in the sky.

tmr's the closing date for DPA.
and me and sheev are going to sign up.
cos chinese costume only has 1 piece,
easier to change into uniform after tt.

or else i'll have to take cab or smth.

I'll be nice and remove that PREVIOUS POST'S PICTURE[S](:(:(:(:(:

What you kno bout me, what cha, what cha know bout me

what's jeremy's beef with the animals & society section?

Regarding my recent post about a sociological article against "speciesism," someone asked why I seem to be regularly chiding those sociologists involved with the Animals & Society section. Reason #1 is that a certain friend who doesn't have a blog of her own keeps sending me these things, so things are brought to my attention more than they otherwise might. Reason #2, point blank, is that I have no enthusiasm for the fight against "speciesism" and reject approximately all of its attendant moral arguments*, and so I have a hard time seeing it listed alongside "racism" and "war" on the roster of social concern.

But, beyond that:

I think if I had to name what I regarded as the most genuinely interesting social trends in the US in the last 50 years, the shrinking pet-child gap would maybe make the Top 10 and would certainly make the Top 20. "Interesting"-ness is in the eye of the beholder, of course, and I suspect the shrinking pet-child gap particularly intrigues me because I grew up on a farm, in a culture with a very different attitude toward animals than the world I stepped into when I entered graduate school. Indeed, when I was in graduate school, for awhile I was keeping this tally for the sociology graduate student listserv of the number of times anyone sent out a message related to advocacy for an animal welfare cause versus a message related to advocacy for a child welfare cause. My recollection is that the score ended up Pets 11, Kids 4.

This, to me, is interesting, but apparently not interesting enough where it has risen to being anything I actually do research about. Which is another reason that I find sociology's animal movement interesting, because it exemplifies for me a larger point about sociology. As I said, I believe the shrinking pet-child gap is an interesting phenomenon, and it could be subject to a extremely interesting analysis from somebody willing to take a broad and engaged-while-still-somewhat-removed view of it. But, of course, who is going to do that?

Instead, the people who are going to enter the field of "animals and society" are going to be the people who are most committed to fighting speciesism as a cause--in other words, the people who are playing a vanguard part in the very thing I regard as the phenomenon. So, instead of sociologists offering studies that help to understand the shrinking pet-child gap--which, whatever you think of it, is an empirical phenomenon with all sorts of social ramifications, we get sociologists exhibiting the phenomenon by arguing for the value of work in which the researcher studies playing with his dog and in which the researcher tries to use sociological theory to justify a polemic that elevates "speciesism" to being of a piece with racism.

* Even so, inexplicably, I must confess that I've been lately thinking about returning to pescatarianism (that is, eating no meat except for seafood).

Pamela Anderson Dips Into Pool With Clothes On

Pamela Anderson went for a swim with her clothes on, but only for the shoot.

Pamela Anderson and Hans Klok were filming an episode of a Fox sports show at Hooters Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

As the temperature kept rising, the beautiful Pamela decided to cool off in the pool, to the delight of the audience and cameramen.

The men who were watching her were not as surprised by the fact that she went into the pool wearing high heels as they were disappointed that she did not take her clothes off, reports mizShowbiz.

something tells me this will not be picked up and used in 'just say no' campaigns

Baseball player Gary Sheffield has been the subject of recurrent rumors of steroid use. Part of his denial in a recent interview: "[Sheffield] also says that he never took steroids because 'the bottom line is steroids is something you stick in your butt -- period.'"

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Snoop Dogg to star in reality TV show

Snoop Dogg has signed up to appear in a reality TV show in the US.

The series, which will see the rapper balancing family duties with his hip-hop career, is to be screened by cable network E! Entertainment.

"The juggling act that Snoop faces day-in, day-out between career and family is certain to resonate with our viewers," said Ted Harbert, president of the Comcast Entertainment Group, which operates the channel.

As previously reported on NME.COM, the rapper has had several run ins with the law.

He missed a number of tour dates in London and Manchester with fellow rap star P. Diddy in March after he was refused a visa.

In April, Australian immigration officials also banned him because of a US court case where he pleaded no contest to gun and drug charges.

Following that case, he was given five years' probation and was ordered to carry out 800 hours community service, reports BBC News.

or else maybe he's been missing dinner parties all these years but people just assume he's flaky and don't bother asking why afterwards

A footnote in Jon Elster's Explaining Social Behavior (p. 49):
[A]nother coincidence felt more significant. There are two experiences I've only had once. One is being invited to a dinner party and then forgetting I'd been invited. The other is being invited to a dinner party and then having the host call me up half an hour before I was supposed to be there, to tell me he had to cancel because of illness. The coincidence, which made me think for a second that someone was watching over me, is that this was one and the same party.
Complete non-sequitur: I'm making good progress on the Elster book despite a recent re-obsession with the Back Dorm Boys. If you've never seen their performance of "I Want It That Way", I'll embed below. I can't believe many sociologists still want to talk about globalization like it's a bad thing.

Friday, July 13, 2007

chew on this

Qualitative Sociological Review has a special issue on "Animals and People." The lead article is "The question of animal selves: Implications for sociological knowledge and practice" from a sociologist at the University of Colorado. Concluding sentence of abstract:
[S]ociologists have an obligation to challenge speciesism as part of a larger system of oppression.
Some sentences from the conclusion of the paper:
Poverty, environmental degradation, homelessness, war, and the threat of terrorism are all high on the social agenda. Some would argue that they are more pressing than the well-being of animals. The flaw in this argument is that all problems are connected, and the segmenting of issues is both illogical and morally questionable. For example, the moral status of animals as property justifies institutionalized cruelty on the basis that we humans can use them as we see fit. The ideology of superiority, coupled with “might makes right,” also underpins sexism, racism, and homophobia.
While various other things might be said, I will admit to having reached a point of confusion regarding exactly what qualitative sociology is.

(Granted, I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly "analytic sociology" is supposed to be, and I'm currently floundering while trying to write an essay for an edited volume on that.)